Interesting places #memorial - Page 2

The monument to the black hussars was unveiled in Samara on September 7, 2018, next to the district officers’ house. The Fifth Alexandria Hussar Regiment, belonging to Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, was redeployed to Samara in 1910. During the First World War, the hussars left the city. The distinctive feature of the regimen

In the vicinity of Samara, near the city, after World War II there was a camp for Hungarian prisoners of war. This place is well known to local residents, historians and tourists interested in the history of their region. From the satellite it can be seen that in this territory there are even rows of dugouts, and in the center there is a memorial a

Gagarin Field, located at the landing site of Yuri Gagarin after his historic flight into space, is a memorial complex that was recognized as a “landmark site of federal significance” in 2012. This complex is included in the “Park of Space Conquerors”, the first stage of which was opened in April 2021. The first monuments at Gagarin's landing site

The Stele of St. George the Victorious in the Guskov Park in Orenburg was installed on May 8, 2010 in honor of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. St. George the Victorious, celebrated on May 6, is considered the patron saint of the military, and the stele symbolizes gratitude to those who fought the enemy

During World War II, there were a significant number of Japanese prisoners of war on the territory of the Soviet Union. After the end of the conflict, the remains of some of them were discovered and transported to Japan for reinterment in accordance with traditional rites. In Orenburg, in the village of Rakityanka, 35 graves of Japanese prisoners o

The memorial complex at the old city cemetery in Anapa is a significant object dedicated to the memory of the victims of fascism and the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. It includes two mass graves: “Mass grave of Soviet soldiers and civilians of the city of Anapa, tortured by the fascist occupiers, 1942-1943” and “Mass grave of So

The monument, erected in 1951 at the site of the death of the heroic stratonauts of the Osoaviakhim-1 (OAX-1) balloon, is a monument of federal significance. This balloon reached a record height for its time - 22,000 meters. P.F. Fedoseenko, A.B. Vasenko and I.D. Usyskin became heroes who accomplished this feat. The monument is located near the ci

In the center of the city of Sol-Iletsk, located in the Orenburg region, stands Victory Park - a symbolic memorial dedicated to the memory of those who did not return from the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. This park was established in memory of the 3838 city residents who died in that terrible ordeal. The opening of the park took place o

The monument to the fallen Heroes, erected in the once existing village of Kopansky, Akbulak district, Orenburg region, stands as a mute testimony to the courage and sacrifice of Soviet soldiers who fought during the Great Patriotic War. Today the village of Kopansky no longer exists, its name has been erased from maps, and its houses have been des

The memorial complex "Land of Yurmaty" is a symbol of the memory of former settlements liquidated for the construction of the cities of Salavat and Ishimbay, as well as of the heroes who died during the Great Patriotic War. This complex, located on the federal highway Salavat-Ishimbay in the Sterlitamak region of the Republic of Bashkortostan, incl

The monument dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War is located in the central park of the Perevolotsky district of the Orenburg region, at the intersection of Leninskaya and Proletarskaya streets. Symbolizing a warrior and home front worker, it is represented by two bronze figures mounted on a granite pedestal. The top layer of

The memorial complex "Walk of Glory", opened on May 8, 2015 in the village of Oktyabrskoye, Orenburg Region, is a significant landmark of the Oktyabrsky district. Its opening was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The opening ceremony was attended by the Governor of the Orenburg Reg

The Transural Grove Monument is a memorial dedicated to the victims of political repression in the 20th century, located in the southern part of the city of Orenburg, Russia. Opened on July 11, 1993, it is a small mound made of granite stones with an Orthodox cross installed on top. There is a memorial plaque on the monument with the inscription:

The Memorial of Military Glory and the Eternal Flame, located on the main street of the village of Oktyabrsky, Orenburg region, is one of the main attractions of this area. This memorial is an important symbol of memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War. Situated next to the Eternal Flame, the memorial stands as an important site whe

The memorial complex, whose solemn opening took place on May 2, 2005, has become an indispensable symbol on the central square of the Saraktash settlement in the Orenburg region. The stela, standing at a height of about 6 meters, is the main element of the memorial complex dedicated to the military and labor glory. Installed on a small pedestal wit

The War Defenders Obelisk in the village of Bikkulovo, part of the Maryevsky Rural Council in the Oktyabrsky District of the Orenburg Region, is one of the significant landmarks of the region. This monument is dedicated to the memory of those who gave their lives in the fight against fascism and did not return from the battlefronts of the Great Pat

The obelisk in the settlement of Grigoryevka in the Orenburg region is an important memorial dedicated to the memory of the residents who perished during the Great Patriotic War. This monument is a stele installed on a tiered pedestal. The names of all the residents of the Grigoryevsky rural council who did not return from the front are engraved on

The monument to the residents of the village of Nizhnyaya Pavlovka in the Orenburg region, who perished on the front lines during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, stands as a symbol of eternal memory and respect for the heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers. Mounted on a tall pedestal, the monument depicts a Red Army soldier in winter military unifo

In anticipation of the 70th anniversary (2015) of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Orenburg, at the intersection of Rodimtsev Street and Victory Avenue, a military helmet two meters high with a nearby scarlet carnation was installed. This monument was erected as a token of gratitude to the soldiers who fought for peace over their heads. The f

Эта история захоронения участников похода Дятлова на кладбище представляет собой интересный аспект, связанный с организацией и ситуацией на момент их смерти. Решение родственников Юрия Кривонищенко и Семёна Золотарёва (Александра Золотарёва) похоронить их на Ивановском кладбище, а не на специально выделенном участке для студентов Уральского полите

На территории всей нашей Родины, как в больших населенных пунктах, так и в маленьких деревнях и селах возведены памятники погибшим в Великой Отечественной войне. Та страшная война захлестнула всю Россию и в память о солдатах, сражавшихся за Родину, установлено много памятников. В Липецке самым известным памятником погибших в войне является целый ме

Places of interest: 49