

  • Мемориал «Земля Юрматы». Photo 1


The memorial complex "Land of Yurmaty" is a symbol of the memory of former settlements liquidated for the construction of the cities of Salavat and Ishimbay, as well as of the heroes who died during the Great Patriotic War. This complex, located on the federal highway Salavat-Ishimbay in the Sterlitamak region of the Republic of Bashkortostan, includes an obelisk, a bust of Hero of the Soviet Union Khasan Bagdeevich Akhtyamov, steles with the names of fallen soldiers, stones with signs of disappeared villages, a gazebo and a small house.

From the disappeared villages, on the site of which the cities of Salavat and Ishimbay were built, 1,428 people went to the front during the Great Patriotic War, of which 513 people did not return. Among the dead was Hero of the Soviet Union Khasan Akhtyamov. Their names are immortalized on memorial plates of the "Land of Yurmaty" complex.

Every year, events are held at the memorial complex to honor veterans and lay wreaths and flowers. On weekends, newlyweds who have completed their wedding ceremony traditionally bring flowers to the memorial complex. On Victory Day, May 9, rallies and ceremonial events are also held here in honor of fallen soldiers and victory in the war.


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