Cemetery of Hungarian Prisoners of War (Samara)


  • Кладбище Венгерских Военнопленных (Самара). Photo 1


In the vicinity of Samara, near the city, after World War II there was a camp for Hungarian prisoners of war. This place is well known to local residents, historians and tourists interested in the history of their region. From the satellite it can be seen that in this territory there are even rows of dugouts, and in the center there is a memorial and cemetery, surrounded by a “residential area”.

In recent years, many people, armed with metal detectors, have gone there in search of artifacts and remnants of bygone times. However, despite expectations, a large number of finds were not discovered. This may be due to the fact that the site has already been explored previously or there are simply no remains left.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the cemetery of Hungarian prisoners of war, which is located on the territory of the city forest and in the old city cemetery on Partizanskaya Street. The boundaries of the burials are marked with concrete pillars, making the site easily identifiable and accessible to historically interested persons.


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