Interesting places #church

The temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Derzhavnaya", located in the center of Samara, is a significant architectural object of the city. This temple was founded on a place where no structure had previously stood. Many local residents believe that the choice of this site for the construction of the temple has symbolic significance, si

The Sentinsky Temple, also known as Synty Klisa in the Karachay-Balkar language, is a Christian temple built in 965 in the Alan Metropolitanate in the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia. It is located on a spur of a mountain range on the left bank of the Teberda River, in the vicinity of the present village of Nizhnyaya Teberda (formerly Sent

The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Tankeyevka is a significant object of historical and cultural heritage. Its history goes back several centuries, starting in 1756, when an Orthodox parish was founded in the village of Tankeyevka. In 1859, at the expense of landowner D.N. Bludov, according to the design of the architect K. Ton, a brick chur

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Krasnaya Reka, Ulyanovsk region, is a significant historical site that adorns the surrounding area with its majestic appearance. Centuries-old traditions and events are associated with its appearance. The first church in Red River was built after 1762 and dedicated to the

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located in the village of Perevoloki, has a rich history, dating back to its foundation around 1680. This historical object arose during the life of the Zhiguli Cossack freemen, when boats were transported here between the Volga and Usa, significantly shortening the journey along the river.

The Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of Tikhvin in the village of Klyuchiki-1 (First Klyuchiki) in the Perm region is a significant cultural heritage site with a rich history. Built in 1823, it served as a spiritual and community center until 1937, when services were discontinued. The church was built from bricks with the addition of egg yo

St. Nicholas Cathedral, located on Chkalova Street in the center of Orenburg, is one of the most visited churches in the region and a significant object of the metropolis and diocese. This stone cathedral was founded in 1883 by Cossacks of the Orenburg village at the expense of parishioners and consecrated in 1886. Initially, the cathedral was dedi

The history of the Orthodox Holy Trinity St. Simeon Monastery of Mercy in the village of Saraktash, Orenburg region, represents an amazing journey of faith and perseverance in the name of reviving spiritual values. In 1943, the history of the monastery began with the registration of a community of believers, and soon after, local residents applied

On September 12, 2011, in Orenburg, the temple at the regional clinical hospital No. 1 was consecrated. This temple, dedicated to the Holy Venerable Alexis, became the third hospital temple, the funding and initiative for the construction of which belonged to benefactors. The church was built with the funds of Lyudmila Ivanovna Kryukova in memory o

The Church of St. George the Victorious, built in the 19th century in the old Russian-Byzantine style, is a symbol of memory and faith. It is dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' and the 55th anniversary of the Great Victory. Construction of the Temple began on June 22, 1999, with a ceremony to illuminate the construction site

The Russian Orthodox Church, built in 1863 in the village of Studentsy, Orenburg Region, is a significant historical site. Its construction began on the initiative of the atamans of the Orenburg Cossack army in response to a request from village residents. Initially it was a small temple, which was later expanded and supplemented with two chapels.

Construction of the stone church of Christ the Savior in the village of Spasskoye, Orenburg Oblast, began in 1804 at the initiative of Major General Alexander Pavlovich Mansurov, the son of General Pavel Mansurov. He was retired from active service in 1801 and received land rewards in the Orenburg Governorate for his services to the empire. The chu

The temple dedicated to the Holy Righteous Blessed Matrona of Moscow is located in the village of Mayorskoye in the Sakmarsky District of the Orenburg Region. Its history began in 2005 when construction of the temple commenced, culminating in 2007 with the completion of the final building. The architectural style of the temple combines elements of

In the Chelyabinsk region there is a small village of Leninsk, which was founded in 1824. Its history began with the Tsarevo-Alexandrovsky mine, named after Emperor Alexander I, who personally visited these places. At the same time, the largest gold nugget in Russia was discovered here, called the “Big Triangle” and weighing 36 kg. Many believers l

На территории России на сегодняшний день проживает приблизительно 146 млн человек. Такое большое количество людей проповедует различные вероисповедания. Одной из религий, распространенных на территории России, является католицизм. Точное количество католиков неизвестно и варьируется от 200 до 600 тысяч человек. Именно поэтому открыто почти 500 прих

Построена в 1894-1917 годах по проекту пермского архитектора А.Б. Турчевичана на средства А. Г. Кузнецова как храм-памятник над могилой его деда чаеторговца А. С. Губкинана на месте каменного кладбищенского Предтеченского храма постройки 1792 года. Византийский стиль с элементами стилизации под московскую «узорчатую» архитектуру 17 века. Шатровая к

Каменная Тихвинская трехпрестольная церковь с ярусной колокольней построена в 1758-65 годах в Тихвинско-Кунгурском женском монастыре. Приделы: Богословский (1758) и Иаковский (1891). В 1760 году церковь стала приходской, монастырь упразднили. Перестраивалась в 1882-84 годах.

Церковь в стиле московского барокко построена в 1763-82 годах на средства президента Кунгурского магистрата И. М. Хлебникова. Перестраивалась в 1848-49 годах. Нижний храм - Казанский. После революции в 30-х годах церковь закрыли. В здании церкви размещались: ремесленное училище, техникум. В 1994 году возвращена в лоно православной церкви.

Церковь в честь Иконы Божьей Матери «Знамение» построена в начале 18-го века, была полностью деревянной. В конце 19-го столетия храм перестроили, укрепили кирпичом. В нём служил один из предков легендарной героини-партизанки Зои Космодемьянской. В храме находится местночтимая икона Божией Матери «Августовская»

Places of interest: 71