Interesting places: Russia - Page 3

Located near a park in Orsk, the abandoned Spider Cottage is a two-story building that has become one of many abandoned properties in this city. On the ground floor of the cottage there is a swimming pool, which is of interest to many, because it is because of it that it is assumed that the owners of the building intended to build a swimming pool s

The Velyaminov estate in Vasino is a historical site steeped in rich history. Founded in the second half of the 18th century by landowner A. I. Plakhova, it became the property of various owners, including P. F. Velyaminov, A. N. Vecheslova and P. P. Kostylev. After the October Revolution of 1917, the estate was nationalized and used for various p

The Voronovo bunker is an interesting and mysterious structure located in a forest area near the villages of Svitino and Troitsa. This cyclopean structure, which appeared on the landscape as a result of an unfinished military installation, is of interest to lovers of exploring abandoned places and artifacts. The Voronovo bunker was created using a

The temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Derzhavnaya", located in the center of Samara, is a significant architectural object of the city. This temple was founded on a place where no structure had previously stood. Many local residents believe that the choice of this site for the construction of the temple has symbolic significance, si

In 2012, the construction of the Phanagoria Scientific and Cultural Center, located in the area of the Eastern Necropolis on the territory of Phanagoria, was completed. The official opening of this center took place on October 3, 2012 and was marked by an international symposium dedicated to the ancient heritage of Kuban. Today, the building of th

Безысходность. Жуть. Каждая минута на счету. Выдержка. Именно так вкратце и монотезисно можно охарактеризовать один из наших самых суровых походов, выпавший в самый пик переменчивости и смены осенне-зимнего сезона. В общем еще до кучи - это холод, сплоченность, осмотрительность и как итог — тот самый кайф от выверенной командной работы по обустрой

The territory of the former military unit No. 12764, located under Mount Yamantau, arouses interest and controversy among researchers and the public. The military personnel who served in this unit were not completely clear about its purpose. The main task was to ensure the safety of the mines and adits into which workers descended every day. Howev

Battery No. 2/773 (454) was one of the key defensive positions in the area of the village of Liinakhamari during the Second World War. Its main task was to suppress Soviet artillery fire on the Sredny Peninsula and strike other targets in the rear of Soviet troops. Initially, the battery was commissioned with two 21 cm K.31/40 cannons, but later i

Парк ледяных скульптур Снежная деревня. Функционирует с конца декабря до весны. Каждый год строится заново на новую тематику. при покупке билета до сентября - существенная скидка.

Машу́к — останцовая магматическая гора (гора-лакколит) в центральной части Пятигорья на Кавказских Минеральных Водах, в северо-восточной части города Пятигорска. Высота 993,7 м. Памятник природы. Гора известна тем, что на ней состоялась дуэль великого русского поэта М. Ю. Лермонтова с отставным майором Н. С. Мартыновым, в результате которой Лермон

Небольшой зоопарк, в котором содержатся животные, населяющие Тебердинский заповедник. Имеется музей. Животные живут в просторных вольерах, все чисто и аккуратно. Медведи, лесной кот, олени, яки, рысь, волки, особое впечатление производит зубр! Можно купить набор еды (морковь, яблоки) и кормить травоядных животных.

The Northern Zelenchuk Temple is an ancient Christian building of the 11th century, which is located on the territory of the Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement in the valley of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia. This temple is one of three surviving cross-domed churches of the 10th-11th centuries located on the territory of

The Baksan Neutrino Observatory, owned by the Institute of Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS), is a unique scientific facility located in the heart of the Caucasus Mountains, not far from Mount Elbrus. It is built into the rock for four kilometers and has served as a center for obtaining the latest knowledge about the Uni

The Maiden Braids waterfall, also known as Chiranbashi-Suu, is in the TOP 20 most beautiful waterfalls in Russia and is one of the natural attractions of the Elbrus National Park. It is located at an altitude of about 2800 meters above sea level and originates on the southern slopes of the Terskol peak, receiving water from the melting Gara-Bashi g

Terskol waterfall is located in the gorge of the same name in the Elbrus region in Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia. Its vertical part is a regular rectangular shape, 20 meters high and 12 meters wide. Rhododendrons located on one of the banks of the waterfall decorate it with their blooms in early summer. To visit the waterfall, there is a walking rout

The observatory on Terskol peak is one of the high-altitude astronomical stations, founded in 1980 at an altitude of 3150 meters above sea level. This is an international observatory, which is a branch of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and is part of the International Center for Astronomical and Medical-Ecological Research. The main t

RATAN-600 (Radio Astronomy Telescope of the Academy of Sciences) is the world's largest radio telescope with a variable-profile ring antenna with a diameter of about 600 meters. This radio telescope belongs to the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is located near the village of Zelenchukskaya in the Republic

The Zelenchukskaya radio astronomical observatory is a significant scientific facility located in the Zelenchuksky district, Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia. Founded in 2001 by the Institute of Applied Astronomy (IPA) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN). This observatory is the second of three observation points of the Kvazar-KVO netw

The North Caucasus Astronomical Station of the Kazan Federal University (SCAS KFU) is a significant astronomical observatory located in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia. SKAS KFU is engaged in a variety of astronomical research, including astrometry, astrophotography, observations of comets, asteroids and other space objects. Historical

The Large Alt-Azimuth Telescope (LTA) is a significant object of astronomical science and engineering. Housed at the Special Astrophysical Observatory at the foot of Mount Pastukhov, in the lower Arkhyz region of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Russia, the BTA was the world's largest telescope from 1975 to 1993. From a historical perspective, it p

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