

  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 1
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 2
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 3
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 4
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 5
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 6
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 7
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 8
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 9
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 10
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 11
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 12
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 13
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 14
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 15
  • Мурадымовское ущелье. Photography 16


Muradymovskoe Gorge (Bash. Moraҙym tarlauyғy) is a natural park in the Southern Urals, located on the territory of the Kugarchinsky and Zilairsky districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It was created by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On the Muradymovskoe Gorge Natural Park" No. 10 dated January 23, 1998. The area of ​​the park is 23,586 hectares.

Geological features

Muradymovskoe Gorge is known for its picturesque rock outcrops, where reef limestones of the Lower, Middle and Upper Devonian are exposed. These limestones continue to the Maly Ik River and further north, forming steep, almost vertical cliffs up to 100 meters high. These cliffs are easily accessible for geological research and are of considerable interest to scientists.

Sights and natural features

The park is known for its high concentration of caves - there are 46 caves with diverse morphology, sediments, hydrology and microclimate. They are of great cultural and historical value. Among them:

Flora and Fauna

The location of the park on the border of forest-steppe and mountain taiga, as well as the diversity of geological rocks, contribute to the richness of the flora. The flora of the park includes more than 500 species of higher plants, which is about 30% of the entire flora of Bashkiria. Among them are 11 endemics and 17 relict species, as well as 45 species included in the "Red Book of the Bashkir ASSR" and 9 species in the "Red Book of the RSFSR".

The fauna of the park is typical for the zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests of the European part of Russia. Bears, elks, wild boars, wolves, white hares and foxes live here. The peregrine falcon nests on the rocks, which is a unique protected object of the park. Ruffs, dace, pike, perch, chub and European grayling live in the rivers and streams.

Tourism and recreation

The park is visited by thousands of tourists all year round. The main tourist routes pass through the Novomuradymovskaya cave and along the gorge with picturesque views of the mountains and rock outcrops. Excursions to the caves allow visitors to learn about the nature, history of the formation of caves and the entire Muradymovsky site.

Muradymovsky gorge is also an important place for archaeological and paleontological research. Work on the study of the caves is ongoing, and they represent a large front of work for scientists.


Muradymovsky gorge is a place where a person can relax, learn about the nature, history of the formation of caves and the entire Muradymovsky site. The park awaits you on a fascinating journey through the territory and underground palaces, where you can see and study how rocks settled as a result of the movement of tectonic plates.


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