
  • Пещера Ледовая. Photo 1
  • Пещера Ледовая. Photo 2
  • Пещера Ледовая. Photo 3
  • Пещера Ледовая. Photo 4
  • Пещера Ледовая. Photo 5


Unique for the Muradymovsky site and included in the list of 36 ice caves in Bashkiria, this cave amazes with its beauty and mystery. Initially, starting from the entrance, a wide corridor with a width of 6 meters and a height of 5 meters descends steeply (45 degrees) and is covered with ice, which persists all year round. This descending corridor contains a makeshift wooden staircase with very slippery steps. In 1980, the glaciated area was 103 square meters, and the thickness of the ice cover reached 0.5 meters. However, as of September 3, 2016, there is no ice in the cave.

In the far part of the cave, the floor is covered with clay and boulders, and small sinter formations can be seen on the walls. Bats are the inhabitants of this cave.

The cave ends in a hall with a high ceiling reaching about 8 meters. One of the walls of this hall has pronounced sinter formations. At a height of about 4 meters you can see a narrow hole that leads to the continuation of the cave. However, this place is dangerous to enter without special equipment. A small corridor leads to an almost vertical well about 5 meters deep, which is also dangerous to overcome without special equipment.

The cave is located on the side of a mountain, and there are two paths leading to it, which go down sharply, along which you can walk. There is a path leading from Novomuradymovskaya Cave to Ledovoy Cave, and while on it you can get to the latter. Guides offer to visit this cave for 150 rubles per person.


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