Interesting places #monumentsculpture - Page 6

The monument to Comrade Sukhov, based on the main character of the film "White Sun of the Desert", is a prominent landmark on the Volga embankment in the city of Samara. This is a monument dedicated to the Red Army soldier Fyodor Ivanovich Sukhov, and is located between Nekrasovsky and Leningradsky descents. The location was not chosen by chance, g

On the left bank of the Ural River, in the territory of the city of Orenburg, there is the first sign marking the border between Europe and Asia on the territory of Russia. This obelisk, installed in 1981, is a square column about 15 meters high, topped with a stainless alloy ball, and was created according to the design of the architect Gennady Iv

The Memorial of Military Glory and the Eternal Flame, located on the main street of the village of Oktyabrsky, Orenburg region, is one of the main attractions of this area. This memorial is an important symbol of memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War. Situated next to the Eternal Flame, the memorial stands as an important site whe

The monument dedicated to the Orenburg Cossacks occupies a place of honor at the intersection of Chkalov and Stepan Razin streets, not far from the St. Nicholas Cathedral. This strategic location gives the monument additional significance for the Cossacks, as well as for all residents of the city of Orenburg. The authors of the sculptural composit

In the center of Orenburg, on Sovetskaya Street, next to the Orenburg Drama Theater named after M. Gorky, there is a unique monument - a working model of the first water column. This monument to the Orenburg water supply system not only has artistic and historical value, but is also a functional object: it is a working water stand that can be used

On June 1, 2012, in the square of Orenburg School No. 3 on Sovetskaya Street, a monument to the first teacher was unveiled. This sculptural group, created by sculptor Sergey Solomakha, consists of five figures. In the center stands a young teacher in a light dress, surrounded by four children - two boys and two girls. The children's gaze is directe

The sculpture of Valery Chkalov is located on Naberezhnaya Street on the left bank of the Ural River in the city of Orenburg. Orenburg bore the name of this legendary aviator for 20 years (since 1938). This bronze monument, installed on a tall pedestal seven meters high, is clearly visible from Sovetskaya Street. The sculptor depicted Chkalov afte

On Volzhsky Avenue in the city of Samara, there is a hidden gem that has remained unknown to many residents and visitors for years – one of the oldest fountains. This fountain, located within the premises of the Samara State District Power Plant (SGRES), was inaccessible to the public until recently. However, in honor of the 110th anniversary of th

The memorial complex, whose solemn opening took place on May 2, 2005, has become an indispensable symbol on the central square of the Saraktash settlement in the Orenburg region. The stela, standing at a height of about 6 meters, is the main element of the memorial complex dedicated to the military and labor glory. Installed on a small pedestal wit

The monument to the Heroes of the Civil War, towering over the communal grave in the I.M. Plyasunkov Park in the city of Pugachyov, Saratov region, is a creation of sculptor E.F. Timofeyev. This monument, mounted on a high pedestal, depicts the figures of warriors forever resting under the protection of the Eternal Flame installed at the base. Cre

Ivan Borisovich Tverdyshyov, born in 1690 in the city of Simbirsk, made a significant contribution to the development of the region's industry. His biography is closely associated with the establishment of the Voskresensky copper-smelting plant and the Preobrazhensky metalworking plant, which became important industrial enterprises and brought pros

In anticipation of the 70th anniversary (2015) of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Orenburg, at the intersection of Rodimtsev Street and Victory Avenue, a military helmet two meters high with a nearby scarlet carnation was installed. This monument was erected as a token of gratitude to the soldiers who fought for peace over their heads. The f

In the 16th century, the Muscovite Tsardom began establishing contacts with the states of Central Asia. Since then, embassies were sent with the aim of opening Asian markets for Russian merchants. The Petrine era greatly intensified Russia's expansion to the East, and the name of Peter the Great is associated with the emergence of the first scienti

Vasily Prokhorovich Goryachkin (1868–1935) was a prominent Soviet scientist in the field of agricultural machinery. His main works are related to agricultural mechanics, where he laid the foundations of the theory and calculation of agricultural machinery and implements, developed methods of testing, and the methodology for processing experimental

В 1994 году на Тоцком полигоне был установлен памятный знак - стела с колоколами, звонящими в честь всех пострадавших от радиации. 14 сентября 2004 года, в день 50-летия войсковых учений, состоялся митинг памяти у этого знака, когда насчитывалось 378 непосредственных участников учений, проживающих на территории Оренбургской области. ### Воспоминан

Эта история захоронения участников похода Дятлова на кладбище представляет собой интересный аспект, связанный с организацией и ситуацией на момент их смерти. Решение родственников Юрия Кривонищенко и Семёна Золотарёва (Александра Золотарёва) похоронить их на Ивановском кладбище, а не на специально выделенном участке для студентов Уральского полите

Мемориальная доска на перевале Дятлова и геологический памятник Маньпупунёр - оба эти места привлекают внимание туристов и исследователей своей таинственной историей и красотой природы. Перевал Дятлова стал известен благодаря трагическим событиям 1959 года, когда группа туристов под руководством Игоря Дятлова погибла в неизвестных обстоятельствах.

Памятник советскому пикирующему бомбардировщику времен Второй мировой войны, который был построен на средства рабочих и колхозников Бугульминского государственного сельскохозяйственного предприятия в начале 1943 года. На постаменте установлен макет самолет Пе-2, хотя на самом деле был построен Пе-8 - тяжелый четырех моторный бомбардировщик дальнего

На территории всей нашей Родины, как в больших населенных пунктах, так и в маленьких деревнях и селах возведены памятники погибшим в Великой Отечественной войне. Та страшная война захлестнула всю Россию и в память о солдатах, сражавшихся за Родину, установлено много памятников. В Липецке самым известным памятником погибших в войне является целый ме

Оренбургское летное училище во времена своего рассвета имел несколько аэродромов, на которых взлетали и приземлялись учебные самолеты курсантов. Один из таких аэродромов находился в 40 километрах от Оренбурга - в поселке Караванный. Именно с него, как утверждают местные,  с мая по сентябрь 1957 года взлетал и садился на самолете Миг-17 Юрий Ал

Кувандык является одним из самых популярных мест зимнего отдыха. Местная горнолыжная база известна по всей России, любители горнолыжного отдыха съезжаются сюда из разных уголков нашей Родины. В 2008 году на местных склонах прошел чемпионат России по горным лыжам среди любительских горнолыжных коллективов. Одной из достопримечательностей самого горо

Places of interest: 151