Interesting places: Russia - Page 2

В бешеном ритме жизни крупных городов сложно найти время для отдыха. Но для жителей мегаполисов существует много мест отдыха и развлечений. Так, практически в каждом городе есть живой уголок – это зоопарки. Где-то они небольшие, а в какие-то люди едут даже издалека. Один из таких известных зоопарков находится в центральной части города Челяби

The Vvedensky Cathedral in Orenburg has a long history, dating back to its foundation in 1758 upon the petition of Governor Nepluyev. The cathedral was built on a high bank of the Ural River, making it visible from afar and accessible to local residents and visitors. The architectural appearance of the cathedral, executed in the Baroque style, was

Kalitsky Peak is a single pyramid-shaped rocky mountain, also known as a laccolith, located in the eastern Elbrus region. The mountain's height is 3,581 meters above sea level, and the base is at an altitude of about 3,350 meters, giving the summit a relative height of up to 230 meters above the surrounding glacier and rashes. The mountain is locat

Lake Birjaly, also known as Jikaulgenköz, is a unique natural site on the northern slopes of Elbrus. This lake is of glacial origin, which is one of the highest mountain lakes in the Caucasus and has many interesting characteristics and stories. ### Geographical location and characteristics Lake Birjaly is located at an altitude of 3,380 meters ab

Mount Sirkh, belonging to the Tashlysyrt (Black Mountain) ridge, is located on the western side of the Elbrus region. This place is not only natural, but also a historical and cultural treasure. Mount Sirkh is located on the border of a 12-kilometer caldera, divided by the Malka River into the western Tashlysyrt ridge and the eastern Shaukamnysyrt

A mysterious place in the Northern Elbrus region, shrouded in legends and secrets of the Second World War. This area remained closed to visitors for a long time: first by order of the NKVD, then by the KGB of the USSR. Only the stories of local residents lifted the veil of secrecy. ### The Legend of the German Airfield In the fall of 1942, a stran

On the northern slopes of Elbrus, at an altitude of 3200 meters, there is an amazing place - the Valley of Stone Mushrooms. This attraction is perhaps one of the most famous in the vicinity of Mount Elbrus. Stone mushrooms are about twenty rock sculptures created by nature. They resemble real forest mushrooms, such as boletus, russula and boletus.

Elbrus is a majestic stratovolcano located in the Caucasus. It is the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe, if we draw the border between Europe and Asia along the Main Caucasus Range or further south. Included in the “Seven Summits” list of the highest peaks of the world, Elbrus rises in the Lateral Range of the Greater Caucasus, just 10 km

On the Taman Peninsula, in the center of the village of Taman, there is a unique hydraulic monument dating back to the times of the Ottoman Empire. This monument is known as the Turkish Fountain, also called the Turkish Wells. Its age is estimated to be several centuries, and although the exact date of construction could not be determined, it is be

The Phanagorian fortress, located on the territory of the modern village of Taman, is a significant historical monument reflecting the rich military and cultural history of the region. Erected at the end of the 18th century, this fortress is associated with the name of the famous Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. ### Construction hi

On the high shore of the Taman Bay, a mass grave, topped with a low but modest monument, has been soulfully preserved. On the plaque of this monument is engraved in gold letters: “To the Red Army soldiers and red partisans who were shot during the civil war of 1917-1920.” The site where this monument now stands witnessed tragic events when dozens o

The airplane monument to Taman aviators was erected in recognition of the feat of the pilots who participated in the liberation of the Taman Peninsula from fascist invaders in the period from 1942 to 1943. This monument is an image of the MIG series fighter, which was developed by aircraft designers Mikhail Gurevich and Mikoyan. The name "MIG" com

The Pokrovskie Chalky Mountains represent a unique natural landmark in the Orenburg region, possessing significant historical, geological, and botanical value. Located in the Akbulak district, these mountains consist of chalky limestone formations dating back to the Maastrichtian age of the Cretaceous period. Their layers are enriched with well-pr

На южной оконечности хребта Карамурунтау близ села Кондуровка в крутом обрыве Нос-горы на правобережье реки Сакмары находится разрез-стратотип одного из ярусов перми. В 1874 г. он изучался академиком А.П. Карпинским, который первый назвал этот разрез сакмарским. А в 1936 г. палеонтолог В.Е. Руженцев на основе тщательного изучения ископаемой фауны о

The history of the copper smelter in the village of Voskresenskoye, also known as the Pugachevsky plant, on the Voskresenskaya River in the Republic of Bashkortostan, began in 1734. An expedition led by Ivan Kirilov explored these places and recommended the construction of a metallurgical plant. However, as a result of the Bashkir uprising in 1735-

The Europe-Asia cable car has become one of the main attractions of the city of Orenburg since its opening in 2006. It received its name because of its route, which passes through the geographical border between Europe and Asia, as symbolized by the Europe-Asia stele. Located between the Belovka district and the Zauralnaya Roshcha park, the cable c

The park complex of the history of technology named after K. G. Sakharov in Togliatti is truly a unique place that attracts the attention of both local residents and tourists. Located near the AVTOVAZ OJSC enterprise, this museum complex is not only a significant landmark of the region, but also an important cultural heritage site. With its rich e

Памятник истории и культуры XIV-XV веков (по другим источникам XI-XII веков), один из нескольких подобных средневековых мавзолеев (см. мавзолей Кесене, мавзолей Хусейн-бека), построенных на территории России. Мавзолей Турухана расположен в двух километрах к востоку от деревни Верхние Термы, и в 50 километрах от Уфы на территории Республики Башкорто

The Kazan Cathedral in Orenburg was an important cultural and architectural symbol of the city, built in the neo-Byzantine style in 1888-1894. The temple served as the cathedral of the Orenburg diocese and was one of the main objects of the city. The cathedral was a magnificent structure with a prominent dome in the middle and four bell towers. In

The Pigeon Grotto, located on the Kyzladyr Karst Field, is certainly one of the most famous sinkholes in the region. Like many other sinkholes in the karst field, the Pigeon Grotto is formed under the influence of rainwater, frost and various geological processes. Inside the Pigeon Grotto sinkhole there is a small lake, probably fed by groundwater

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