Interesting places #river

Неподалеку от посёлка Бердянка на одноименной реке находится степной Сусанинский водопад проходящий через нагроможденные глыбы камней.

The Dagomys troughs, or simply the troughs, are one of the most famous and popular natural attractions of the city of Sochi. They are located in a picturesque gorge on the territory of the Dagomys Canyon and are a complex of reservoirs and waterfalls on the Western Dagomys River. These geological formations attract the attention of tourists from al

The White Rocks are located in the Navalishenskoye Gorge of the Akhunsky Range in the Bolshaya Khosta River Valley. The canyon is 150 meters deep and the route is about 4 km long. The entire route takes about 3.5 hours. Route and attractions Starting point: Viewing platform with places to rest. Here you can enjoy the views of the foot

The Srednyaya Kargalka is a river in Russia, flowing through the Sakmara and Orenburg districts of the Orenburg region. Its length is 50 km, and the area of ​​the drainage basin is 334 km². The river originates in the steppe between the villages of Novodmitrievka and Belousovka. It flows initially to the east, then in Belousovka it turns to the so

Kargalinsky Waterfall, located on the Srednyaya Kargalka River near Orenburg, is a unique natural phenomenon for a flat area. This waterfall is formed when the river flows through the steppe and tears out rapids from the red sandstone, creating an impressive sight. Time of visit The waterfalls are most full-flowing and impressive in spring o

База отдыха "Теремок" находится в селе Украинка Оренбургской области, на берегу слияния рек Сакмары и Чебеньки, в 54 км от Оренбурга. В окружении пойменных лесов и чистых вод, это место предлагает отличные условия для отдыха на природе. База развивается, расширяет спектр услуг, проводит ремонты и реконструкции, привлекая постоянных гостей. На базе

The Khrustalny spring in the Pervolotsky district of the Orenburg region is known for its clean drinking water. In 1996, a stone was installed near the spring with the inscription “The Giver Will Not Be Scarce,” which symbolizes the importance of preserving natural resources. The ceremonial opening of the spring took place on September 16, 2022, wh

Teribersky Falls, flowing into the Barents Sea, is one of the most outstanding natural attractions in the area. It originates in the Small Batarei Lake and forms a small stream that falls from a great height, forming a stunning waterfall. Depending on the level of filling of the lake, the power of the waterfall can vary from stormy and full-flowing

The Batareisky waterfall, flowing into the Barents Sea, is one of the most wonderful natural attractions of Teriberka. Originating from Maly Batareiskoe Lake, it is a four-stage waterfall surrounded by harsh Arctic nature. In spring and summer, the waterfall is a powerful and stormy phenomenon when there is a lot of water in the lake, but in autum

The Putorana State Nature Reserve, located on the Putorana Plateau in the northwestern part of the Central Siberian Plateau, south of the Taimyr Peninsula, is a unique natural and cultural site. Founded on December 15, 1988, the reserve has a vast territory of 1,887,251 hectares, of which 1,773,300 hectares are protected areas. The reserve is famo

Ant Islands are a small archipelago within the city of Togliatti, formed after the flooding of coastal areas as a result of the construction of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station. This stretch of the Volga is known for its beautiful sandy beach and photogenic scenery, which has led to it being sometimes called the "Tolyatti Maldives". T

Azapkina Polyana is located in a picturesque corner of nature and serves as a wonderful place to relax for both local residents and visiting tourists. Various tourist events and gatherings are often organized here, attracting lovers of outdoor activities and nature. Thanks to the convenient approach to the Belaya River, Azapkina Polyana becomes an

Окрестности Колвицы — настоящий кладезь природных красот и достопримечательностей. Колвицкий залив (губа) протянулся на 7 километров, в него впадает бурная широкая река Колвица, вытекающая из Колвицкого озера. Вдоль левого берега реки тянется эколого-краеведческая тропа. Совсем близко к селу, в 600 метров от моста, расположен знаменитый Колви

Хризолитовая скала, расположенная в Карагай-Губерлинском ущелье Кувандыкского района. По своей форме напоминает черепаху, поэтому и получила такое название. Своей причудливой форме скала обязана ветряной эрозии - многие столетия ветер и осадки воздействуют на скальные породы, придавая им необычные формы, напоминающие различных зверей и птиц. Многи

Есть два типа людей: одни считают, что это необычная скала природного происхождения, а вторые считают это искусственная стена прошлых цивилизаций. Какая она - судите сами, но выглядит она впечатляюще этим и привлекает внимание всех туристов.

Куштау— шихан, гора-одиночка в Ишимбайском районе Башкортостана, находящаяся в 18 км к востоку от города Стерлитамака и в 140 км к югу от города Уфы и включённая в Список геологического наследия всемирного значения «GEOSITES». Один из цепочки некогда четырёх шиханов в окрестностях Стерлитамака наряду с Торатау, Юрактау и нын

Atysh Waterfall in the Republic of Bashkortostan, also known as the outlet of the underground river Atysh Grotto, is one of the unique natural phenomena of the Southern Urals. This waterfall was formed from a grotto, which is also known as the Atysh Cave, located in the Yash-Kuz-Tash mountain. Inside the Atysh grotto, water flows out of an incline

Antonova Rock is a majestic sheer cliff located on the territory of the Bashkiria National Park, 2 km from the village of Kutanovo, Burzyansky district, along the left bank of the Agidel River. This place is a popular holiday destination for both locals and tourists. A campsite called “Antonova Rock” is organized on the rock, where three types of

Sakaska Island is one of the most spectacular places on the Yumagus Reservoir. This mountain became an island after the reservoir filled and the water surrounded it. Previously, there was a village with the same name on this site. Sakaska Island is a unique place from where you can go to the famous Sumgan-Kutuk karst region, which is rich in numero

Chekhov Falls, also known as Usak-Kichu, is a unique natural place that attracts the attention of travelers with its beauty and atmosphere. Located in the Bizhbulyak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The trip to the waterfall begins with a road passing through picturesque places and villages surrounded by mountains and meadows. The route

Voitsky Padun, located in Central Karelia on the Nizhny Vyg River, is a landmark that was previously a famous waterfall, surrounded by legends and traditions. Its fame increased significantly in the 18th century thanks to the start of operation of the Voitsky copper mine. The waterfall ceased to exist in 1933 due to the construction of the White Se

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