Interesting places: Perevolotskiy rayon

The Chesnokovsky chalk mountains in the Perevolotsky district of the Orenburg region are hilly terrain, distinguished by the whiteness of real writing chalk, which is exposed here on the surface. These mountains extend for about 5 km from north to west and are estimated to be more than 70 million years old. They are a significant geological feature

The Khrustalny spring in the Pervolotsky district of the Orenburg region is known for its clean drinking water. In 1996, a stone was installed near the spring with the inscription “The Giver Will Not Be Scarce,” which symbolizes the importance of preserving natural resources. The ceremonial opening of the spring took place on September 16, 2022, wh

Mount Medvezhiy Lob (also known as Arapova Mountain) is the highest point of the Volga-Ural interfluve, located on the Obshchiy Syrt hill with an absolute height of 405 meters above sea level. This shihan hill is typical of the pre-Ural syrts and is characterized by various natural features. On the northern slopes of Bear's forehead there are birc

The concrete lake, which is a hydraulic treatment facility at the Orenburg gas processing plant, is a wonderful example of engineering architecture, functionally integrated into the landscape of the Orenburg steppes. Located 29 kilometers from Orenburg, slightly deviating from the route to Samara, the lake looks very modern and unique thanks to its

The monument dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War is located in the central park of the Perevolotsky district of the Orenburg region, at the intersection of Leninskaya and Proletarskaya streets. Symbolizing a warrior and home front worker, it is represented by two bronze figures mounted on a granite pedestal. The top layer of

Старинная постройка, одна из старейших в Оренбургской области - мост через небольшой ручей. Примерная дата постройки - вторая середина XIX века, во времена правления Екатерины II. Ближайший населенный пункт - село Татищево Переволоцкого района, расположенное в 3 км к югу от достопримечательности. Согласно легендам, по этому мосту предводитель восст

Маленький родничёк на косогоре речки Ключи с беседкой, мостом и водопадом. На левобережье ранее находилась небольшая деревушка! Не какой то карте ранее видел название, но не могу найти! Если кто в курсе - подскажите! Судя по каменным жерновам, даже своя мельница была!

Небольшой участок в степи, представляет собой выход песчаников красного цвета. Ветровая эрозия за несколько тысячелетий придала каменным останцам причудливые формы. Максимальная высота скал достигает 10 метров. Помимо возвышенностей встречается много ниш, ям и естественных природных впадин. Самангульские Красные камни расположены в урочище Бакаэл.

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