Interesting places: Kolskiy rayon

The ship cemetery in Teriberka is one of the most unusual attractions in the Murmansk region. This place, located at the confluence of the Teriberka River into the Barents Sea, embodies the history of fishing and the industrial decline of the village. Teriberka was once a major fishing center, where fishing and processing plants flourished. Howeve

The Dragon's Lair, or Stone Grotto, is located in the Teriberka natural park on the shores of the Barents Sea. This cave attracts tourists with its unusual rock relief, which really resembles a dragon’s “lair”. According to local lore, the round stones scattered along the bottom of the cave are called "dragon eggs", hinting at the presence of anima

The Teriberki weather station, founded in 1889, is the oldest meteorological station on the Kola Peninsula and one of the oldest operating in Russia. It is located on the territory of the specially protected natural park “Teriberka” and monitors weather conditions in the area. The weather station in Teriberka consists of two houses: an old buildin

Teribersky Falls, flowing into the Barents Sea, is one of the most outstanding natural attractions in the area. It originates in the Small Batarei Lake and forms a small stream that falls from a great height, forming a stunning waterfall. Depending on the level of filling of the lake, the power of the waterfall can vary from stormy and full-flowing

The Batareisky waterfall, flowing into the Barents Sea, is one of the most wonderful natural attractions of Teriberka. Originating from Maly Batareiskoe Lake, it is a four-stage waterfall surrounded by harsh Arctic nature. In spring and summer, the waterfall is a powerful and stormy phenomenon when there is a lot of water in the lake, but in autum

Coastal defense battery No. 199 of a separate artillery battalion is a significant historical and military heritage site located near Teriberka. This battery played an important role in the defense of the coast of the Kola Peninsula during the Great Patriotic War. Built in the late 1930s, battery No. 199 was equipped with powerful ship guns and ha

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Places of interest: 10