In the history of the Orenburg region, many old mines are fortified, among which the Saigachiy mine stands out. Located in the Orenburg region, in the Rodnikovye Shishki tract, at a distance of 2.5 km northeast of the village of Berdyanka, this mine is a natural monument of the region, its area covers 2.0 hectares. Currently, the conservation of t
Сусанинский водопад
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- Edited2 September 2024, 23:54
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Неподалеку от посёлка Бердянка на одноименной реке находится степной Сусанинский водопад проходящий через нагроможденные глыбы камней.
Mount Steklyannaya is a gently sloping hill with an absolute height of 215.2 m, located 6 km southwest of the village of Panika. This geological natural monument of regional significance attracts attention with its unique deposits and rich historical context. Geological description On the northern slope of the hill, on the northeastern side o
The monument to heroic soldiers, residents of the village of Blagoslovenka, Orenburg region, is a touching testimony of memory and respect for those who gave their lives for their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. The departure of 296 people from the village to the front and the failure of 152 of them to return reflects the enormous losses
Rest for savages on the banks of the Ural River, not far from the city. A picturesque place, a bend of the river, a forest, a sandy beach. Sometimes, when all sorts of things interfere with a full weekend, you want to escape somewhere into nature, at least for a short time. This is the place that is ideal for such purposes - not far from the city,
водоем за поселком Аэропорт, хорошее место для отдыха, дорога проходит вокруг всего водоёма. берег как песочный так и есть места с камушками. можно арендовать беседку.
The temple in honor of Saint Seraphim of Sarov in the settlement of Prigorodny in the Orenburg region was founded in 1999 at the initiative of the association "Orenburgneft". The decision to build the temple was made after the construction of a residential complex for oil workers in this settlement. A land plot was allocated for the construction of
Детский лагерь был заброшен совсем недавно, еще летом 2015 года здесь вовсю кипела жизнь, было много отдыхающих детей. ДОЛ "Космос" расположен в экологически чистом районе - посреди смешанного леса (береза и дуб), недалеко от реки Урал. Детский лагерь имел хорошо развитую инфраструктуру - столовую, уютные домики для комфортного проживания
Заброшен с 2016 года. Охрана отсутствует.
Уже не действующий и заброшенный детский оздоровительный лагерь "Восток-6", расположенный в пригороде города Оренбурга, рядом с другими действующими детскими лагерями. Заброшенный лагерь "Восток-6" входит в группу детских лагерей Оренбурга, которые называются "Дубки". Все детские оздоровительные лагеря расположены в лесной зоне, недалеко от реки Ур
The Church of St. Alexy in the Pugachevsky Settlement is a historically significant object, reflecting the history and architecture of the region. Its construction at the end of the 19th century was associated with the development of the stud farm and the concern of the Dolgorukov princes for the welfare of their workers. The temple, erected with