A small open vertical cave is located on the left bank of the Belaya River, within approximately 1 km from the Taraval griffin. The cave is a large ravine in the rock, the vertical course of which has an angle of 34 to approximately 75 degrees. It is through, with one entrance located at a height of about 4 meters from the river, and a second entra
Interesting places: Burzyanskiy rayon
The Skazka Cave, a natural formation, is located in the Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the floodplain of the Belaya River. A well-trodden path about 600 meters long, starting from the river bank, leads to it. Near the entrance to the cave you can see two crooked pine trees, which serve as a good landmark for tourists. The
Это слаборазветвлённая трёхэтажная спелеосистема протяжённостью около 3 км с вертикальной амплитудой 165 м (с учетом сифонных подводных полостей) с крупными залами, галереями, подземными озёрами и рекой. Пещера имеет три гипсометрических уровня (этажа), нижний из которых занят речкой Подземный Шульган, которая и образовала эту пещеру. Пещера образо
Antonova Rock is a majestic sheer cliff located on the territory of the Bashkiria National Park, 2 km from the village of Kutanovo, Burzyansky district, along the left bank of the Agidel River. This place is a popular holiday destination for both locals and tourists. A campsite called “Antonova Rock” is organized on the rock, where three types of
Kaban-Tash is a picturesque rock located on the banks of the Belaya River in the Republic of Bashkortostan, and its height reaches 110 meters. This place, surrounded by legends, is often visited by tourists, and locals and tour guides are happy to tell stories about its origins. The name of the mountain comes from the Bashkir language and is trans
The source "Griffin Taraval" is known for its unique nature and historical significance. Situated at the foot of an elevated cliff, it is a powerful stream of water breaking through a crevice of rocks. The water from this source is cold and clean, often used by tourists and travelers for drinking. The spring "Griffin Taraval" is especially popular
The Lost Pit cave is one of the most impressive speleological attractions of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Its name comes from the deep sinkhole, known as the "chasm", which goes down 78 meters and is the entrance to the first well of the cave. This cave is a complex labyrinth of passages and halls, the length of which is 3218 meters, and the max
Расположена на правом берегу реки Белой, примерно в 3,5 километрах от деревни Миндигулово. В летние месяцы, при нормальном уровне воды проплыть мимо пещеры невозможно - ее характерный треугольный вход хорошо заметен с воды, более того, в этом месте река поворачивает налево, делая пещеру еще более заметной. Вход в пещеру представлен небольшим гротом
Пещера, расположенная в 6 км вниз по течению от деревни Тимирово, представляет собой удивительное место, которое можно достичь как сплавляясь по реке, так и на машине, следуя по проселочной дороге до Тимирово и далее поворачивая направо, пересекая реку несколько раз в брод. Описание пещеры напоминает змееподобный коридор с расширением под потолком