
  • Воицкий падун. Photo 1
  • Воицкий падун. Photo 2


Voitsky Padun, located in Central Karelia on the Nizhny Vyg River, is a landmark that was previously a famous waterfall, surrounded by legends and traditions. Its fame increased significantly in the 18th century thanks to the start of operation of the Voitsky copper mine. The waterfall ceased to exist in 1933 due to the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal and a cascade of hydroelectric power stations.

Although the waterfall itself is no longer there, its bed can still be seen, surrounded by dark rocks, green forest and boulders. The waterfall was divided into three branches: Melnichny, Elovy and Side, each of which had its own characteristics.

The Voitsky Padun waterfall attracted many famous writers, such as Derzhavin and Prishvin. The latter left a description of the waterfall, noting its grandeur and complexity.

Today Voitsky Padun has become a tourist attraction, attracting numerous visitors with its picturesque nature and stunning landscapes. To get to it, you need to go through the village of Nadvoitsy and then follow the indicated roads.

Although the waterfall is no longer what it once was, its beauty and the sound of the water still provide an unforgettable experience. Voitsky Padun is an important historical and natural attraction of the region, attracting tourists with its unique atmosphere and historical significance.


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