Interesting places - Page 36

The Hanseatic Fountain was created in Veliky Novgorod as part of the International Cultural and Economic Forum "XXIX Hanseatic Days of Modern Times", which was held in June 2009. The fountain is a circle of granite with a diameter of eight meters, symbolizing a negotiating table, around which 16 apple trees are planted. Along the perimeter of the c

The Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa at Torg in Veliky Novgorod is a cross-domed building with one dome and three apses, two of which are located inside the temple. It was the patronal church of the merchants of ancient Novgorod and was dedicated to the Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, who was considered the patroness of the Novgorod merchants. The

The obelisk in honor of the feat of the Three Heroes is located in the park at Yaroslav's Court in Veliky Novgorod. It was installed in November 1957 for the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution. This obelisk became the first monument in the city dedicated to the courage of those who defended and liberated the Novgorod land in the period from

The monument to a tourist in Veliky Novgorod, erected on June 17, 2009, has become one of the favorite places for photography for both locals and tourists. This pretty sculpture, created by contemporary Novgorod sculptor Vadim Borov, depicts a young girl in an ordinary blouse and skirt, who is resting on the parapet of the Kremlin pedestrian bridge

The Gostiny Dvor arcade in Veliky Novgorod is a significant historical structure that embodies the architectural heritage of the city. Initially, Gostiny Dvor was built at the end of the 17th century and had a fortification function, representing a square with two towers. At the end of the 18th century, during reconstruction, the complex was depri

The Church of the Apostle Philip and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Nutnaya Street in Veliky Novgorod is a significant Orthodox church that embodies the rich history and cultural heritage of the city. The first stone church on this site was built in 1383-1384 by mayors Rodislav Danilovich, Ustin and Philip. However, over time, two independent pa

The defensive structures of medieval Novgorod were a multi-level fortification system, which included several lines of defense. In the 16th century there were four main lines of defensive structures: Okolny City (Ostrog): The largest and most extensive was the Okolny City, also known as Ostrog. This city was surrounded by ramparts and walls con

The Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin Street in Veliky Novgorod is an inactive Orthodox church that was built in 1374 and is famous for the fact that it preserves the frescoes of Theophanes the Greek created in 1378. The temple was built on Ilyin Street, which is located on the Torgovaya side of Novgorod. Initially, a wooden church stood on t

The Church of the Transfiguration on Kovalevo is an inactive Orthodox church located near Veliky Novgorod. It is the former cathedral of the Kovalev (Spassky) Monastery, one of the small suburban monasteries of Novgorod, founded on donations from the rich and noble people of the city. The temple was built by order of the boyar Ontsifor Zhabin in 13

Ilmen (Old Russian name Ilmer) is a large lake in the western part of the Novgorod region. It is part of the drainage basin of the Baltic Sea and is a post-glacial reservoir with picturesque shores and a rich history. The area of the lake is 982 km², but depending on the water level it can vary from 733 to 2090 km². The lake is about 45 km long an

The concrete lake, which is a hydraulic treatment facility at the Orenburg gas processing plant, is a wonderful example of engineering architecture, functionally integrated into the landscape of the Orenburg steppes. Located 29 kilometers from Orenburg, slightly deviating from the route to Samara, the lake looks very modern and unique thanks to its

Mount Sambula, known as one of the natural symbols of the Saraktash district of the Orenburg region, not only impresses with its beautiful views, but also attracts attention with its archaeological value. Here, among many historical layers, the remains of ancient vertebrates were discovered, hiding in the thickness of its rocks. At first glance, M

The Belogory tract is a unique natural attraction located in the Saraktash district of the Orenburg region. This is a vast hilly karst field formed by gypsum rocks of the Kungurian stage. Thanks to its natural beauty and unique landscapes, the Belogory tract attracts many tourists and travelers. Belogory is also known as the Belogorsk Gate because

The Civil Aviation Museum of Orenburg Airport was opened on August 17, 2015, on the eve of Russian Air Fleet Day and the 85th anniversary of Orenburg International Airport. The exhibition represents domestic aircraft of the previous generation, preserved as a memory for future generations and for the purpose of educating young people. The museum i

The man-made Ural desert, located near the city of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region, is a unique object created by man. This desert is a tailings pond for waste from a graphite mill. A tailings pond is used to receive and store waste from graphite ore processing, called tailings. The processing plant was built in 1941 after geologists discovered

The Shumak tourist base is a unique place located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level in the picturesque valley of the Shumak River, in the heart of the Eastern Sayan Mountains in the Okinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia. This place is distinguished by its remoteness from civilization and offers visitors the opportunity to immerse

Shumak springs, located in the Okinsky district of Buryatia at an altitude of 1558 meters in the Eastern Sayan mountains, are a unique natural complex with special mineral waters and a favorable climate. The water of the springs has a high silicon content and low mineralization, which makes it a valuable natural resource with balneological properti

The Penza Regional Art Gallery named after K. A. Savitsky is one of the most important cultural objects of the city of Penza and the entire region. Founded in 1892, it has become the largest and most famous museum in the Penza region. The museum began its history with a collection of paintings donated by the Penza governor N.D. Seliverstov. Initia

The Penza Cinema and Concert Hall is one of the significant cultural infrastructure facilities of the city, offering a wide range of entertainment and cultural events for both residents and guests of Penza. The hall building is made in a post-modern style with unusual shapes that stand out among other buildings in the city. Large glass windows cre

The history of the development of theatrical art in Cherepovets over many years goes back to ancient times. Back in the 60s of the 20th century, the first mentions of theatrical activity in the city appeared. Initially, these were meetings of a musical and dramatic circle, in which noble representatives of society - merchants, nobles and officials

The first Soviet radio telescope, installed 21 kilometers from the city of Simferopol on the Crimean peninsula. The radio telescope began its work in 1962, its main purpose is to accompany the launches of automatic spacecraft designed to study the Moon, as well as other planets of the Solar System. The reflector diameter of the TNA-400 radio telesc

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