Interesting places - Page 33

The church that occupied the Nikolskoye School, founded in 1864 by T.S. Morozov, is historically significant for Orekhovo-Zuevo. The temple itself was erected at the school of M.F. Morozova and consecrated in 1902. In 1907, work on the addition of the altar was completed, which gave the temple its final appearance. During the Soviet regime, a gymna

In 1924, Nikolskaya Street in Orekhovo-Zuevo was renamed Lenin Street, which became a symbol of a new era for the city. However, the real embodiment of the veneration of the leader of the October Revolution was the installation of a monument to V.I. Lenin on November 7, 1933 in the park of the city park of culture and recreation. The creation of t

On September 10, 2016, in honor of City Day and on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the famous Russian actor Viktor Ivanovich Sukhorukov, a monument dedicated to his personality and work was unveiled in Orekhovo-Zuevo. This event became a significant cultural moment for the city, highlighting Sukhorukov's contribution to the development of Russia

The spring on Yellow Mountain, near the Klyazma River, is not only a source of clean and cool water, but also a place of special natural beauty and uniqueness. Five springs, which are located in close proximity to each other, create an amazing and picturesque landscape. This place attracts not only with its natural features, but also with its hist

The Karpov spring is a unique source of clean drinking water, located in a dacha area in the village of Aleksandrovka, not far from the city of Penza. This spring has become a real attraction thanks to the efforts of the Honored Artist of Russia German Trifonovich Karpov. Independently and at his own expense, German Trifonovich has been improving

Красивое местечко в заповедной зоне (окружен сотовым бором с внушительного размера можжевельниками). На озере отличная экология и живописные закаты. Среди обитателей фауны замечено приличное гнездовье цапель и журавлей.

Очень странный приют для непойми кого. Вот буквально. Территория частная, обитаемая на 1/3. Ранее (при СССР) место являлось одним из многих пионерских лагерей, расположенных в той местности в непосредственной близости друг от дружки. Сейчас некоторые строения на территории ни куда ни годятся, - находятся в сверхаварийном плачевном состоянии. Некая

Проект "Чаган" (также известный как "Испытание 1004") был первым советским промышленным термоядерным взрывом. Он произошел 15 января 1965 года на Семипалатинском испытательном полигоне в Казахстане, на площадке Балапан, примерно в 100 км к юго-западу от Семипалатинска. Взрыв был проведен в скважине диаметром около 700 мм. Мощность взрывного устрой

The recreation center "Izumrudnoe", also known as the pioneer camp, is located on the shore of the cooling pond of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, near the village of Lelev, among a beautiful pine grove. Before the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, this place was a popular holiday destination for military personnel, their families f

The Yubileiny Community House in the ghost town of Pripyat, Ukraine, is one of the characteristic buildings left behind after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Initially, it was a public institution that provided various types of services, such as equipment repair, tailoring and other household services. Currently, the Yubileiny Community House is a

Lazurny is an indoor swimming pool in the abandoned city of Pripyat, which has become one of the symbols of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Located in the Exclusion Zone of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on Sportivnaya Street, Lazurny was an important sports facility in the city. Having suffered from the accident, the Lazurny pool s

Yanov is a railway station located on the Chernigov - Ovruch route of the South-Western Railway near the city of Pripyat in Ukraine. The station was put into operation back in 1925 and played a key role in the formation of the city of Pripyat. Before the tragic events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Yanov station actively served passenge

The Red Forest (or Rudy Forest) is a unique territory adjacent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and famous for its unusual nature. This forest became a symbol of the 1986 disaster, when emissions of radioactive dust led to its death. The pine trees that form the basis of this forest acquired a characteristic brown-red hue in just 30 minutes aft

The village of Krasno (Krasne in Ukrainian) is located 6 kilometers directly from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This is a very short distance, but the village and the station are separated by the huge lake “Starik” (a tributary of the Pripyat River). To get to Krasno, we need to drive about 30 kilometers along a terrible and broken road throug

The wooden church of the Archangel Michael the Archangel in the village of Krasno is one of the few surviving churches in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Built in 1800 from oak, it stands on the left bank of the Pripyat River and is a kind of symbol of survival surrounded by radiation pollution. The village of Krasno, once part of the Chernobyl regi

The Azimov Mosque, also known as the Sixth Cathedral Mosque or the Factory Mosque, is a significant monument of Tatar religious architecture in Kazan. Built in 1887-1890 on the site of an old wooden mosque that had existed since 1804, it became the embodiment of the national-romantic architecture of that time. The construction of the mosque was ca

The North-Eastern Tower of the Kazan Kremlin is a significant architectural object left over from the past and inspiring with its historical significance. It was built at the end of the 17th century by Moscow craftsmen in the style of Pskov serf architecture. This tower was small in size, but had slender proportions, had a cylindrical shape and con

Церковь Святой Преподобной Великомученицы Евдокии, также известная как Евдокиевская церковь или Евдокиинская церковь, является приходским храмом I Казанского благочиния Казанской епархии Русской православной церкви, расположенным в Казани. История этой церкви насчитывает более двух веков. Она была построена в 1734 году, по преданию, на средства Ев

The Governor's Palace in Kazan is a historical building located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin. Built in the mid-19th century according to the design of Konstantin Ton, it is the residence of the head of the Republic of Tatarstan and a cultural heritage site of federal significance. In the past, here was the palace of the Kazan khans, and t

The Annunciation Cathedral in the Kazan Kremlin is a significant Orthodox church and a monument of Russian architecture of the 16th century. From 1552 to 1918, the cathedral served as the cathedral church of the Kazan diocese, and from the end of the 19th century, episcopal consecrations were also held here. Built in 1561-1562, the cathedral is th

The construction of the building of the Public Places in the Kazan Kremlin took place from 1767 to 1773 under the leadership of the Moscow architect V.I. Kaftyreva. This two-story building, intended for the work of officials and civil servants, is located in the south-eastern part of the Kremlin. Later, new two-story buildings were added to it, and

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