Northeast tower of the Kazan Kremlin


  • Северо-восточная башня Казанского Кремля. Photo 1


The North-Eastern Tower of the Kazan Kremlin is a significant architectural object left over from the past and inspiring with its historical significance. It was built at the end of the 17th century by Moscow craftsmen in the style of Pskov serf architecture. This tower was small in size, but had slender proportions, had a cylindrical shape and consisted of four tiers. Its archery was located on the upper terrace of the Kazan Kremlin, overlooking Baturin Street.

Unfortunately, the original appearance of the North-East Tower has not survived to this day, since it was destroyed in the 18th century. However, in 1999-2000 archaeological research was carried out, and in 2004, under the leadership of architect-restorer S.A. Mamleeva, conservation of the remains of the tower was carried out.

At the moment, the North-Eastern Tower of the Kazan Kremlin is an archaeological fragment of a 17th-century structure, partially restored to the level of the lower tier. This is a round white stone building protruding from the plane of the walls. This object is an important historical evidence and attracts the attention of both tourists and researchers who want to learn more about the history and architecture of the Kazan Kremlin.


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