Interesting places: Orenburg Region - Page 2

Крупнейшее водохранилище пресной воды, площадью более 26 тыс. гектаров, расположенное в Оренбургской области (см. Кумакское водохранилище). Ириклинское водохранилище - водная жемчужина и достопримечательность Оренбуржья. Водоем является глубоководным озером с многочисленными заливами и лагунами и в своей южной части имеет наибольшую глубину. Общая

The Corrective Institution Correctional Facility No. 9 (formerly known as Juvenile Colony No. 25/9) of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Orenburg Region was established on March 12, 1962, under the name Juvenile Colony No. 25/9 of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Orenburg Regional Executive Committee. Since then, the colony

Red Mountain, located in the village of Saraktash in the Orenburg region, is a unique place that attracts many tourists all year round. This tourist complex amazes with its atmosphere and architecture. The mountain rises on the right bank of the Sakmara River, and its name comes from the color of its rocks - red clay and sandstone, which gives it

The Kuma Reservoir is an artificial reservoir formed on the Kovda, Sofyanga and Kundozerka rivers in the Loukhsky district in the north of the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Its height above sea level ranges from 109 to 109.5 meters. The reservoir was created in 1960-1961 during the construction of the Kumskaya hydroelectric power station dam. It inc

The memorial complex in the Orenburg region, opened in 1989, became the first of its kind in Russia. In 2007, after military actions in the North Caucasus, the memorial underwent reconstruction, during which the names of those who perished in this conflict were immortalized on its plaques. In the summer of 2018, a new reconstruction of the Memoria

St. Nicholas Cathedral, located on Chkalova Street in the center of Orenburg, is one of the most visited churches in the region and a significant object of the metropolis and diocese. This stone cathedral was founded in 1883 by Cossacks of the Orenburg village at the expense of parishioners and consecrated in 1886. Initially, the cathedral was dedi

Памятник-обелиск императору Александру I в центре Оренбурга был восстановлен и открыт на Пушкинском бульваре 31 августа 2013 года. Он является практически точной копией разрушенного памятника, возводившегося в 1822 году. Новый памятник был воссоздан по сохраненным фотографиям и чертежам, с некоторыми элементами, сохранившимися от первоначальной сте

Buzuluksky pine forest really impresses with its beauty and uniqueness. This forest area, stretching over a huge area, is one of the natural resources of Russia. With its ancient age, estimated at thousands of years, it amazes the imagination with its mysterious forest paths and richness of flora and fauna. Lake Studenoye, located within the Buzul

The description of Lake Cholernoye in Buzuluksky Bor invites you to walk in the unique natural environment of the national park. Here's how you can rephrase the description to emphasize its beauty and suitability for recreation: “In the wooded expanses of the Buzuluksky forest lies the beautiful Lake Cholernoye, which is one of the pearls of this

The monument was erected on the site of a mass grave of Red Army soldiers of the 217th Orenburg Regiment, who died during the 1918 battles for the Donguzskaya railway station, near the city of Orenburg. During the civil war in 1918, a clash occurred between the “whites” and the “reds” on the territory of the Khusainov farm. The commander of the "Re

Cave "Sweetie" is a karst cave, one of many in the Kzyladyr karst field. Its length is small, does not exceed 150 meters. The walls and ceiling of the cave consist mainly of layers of transparent plaster, known as "Maryino glass". The floor of the cave is covered with clay, and sometimes you can find puddles. The temperature inside the cave is abou

The Mosaic Cave is one of the most important attractions of the Kyzyladyr karst field. This small karst cave was formed as a result of the erosion of gypsum rocks by groundwater and seasonal waters. The entrance to the cave is a narrow passage that can only be traversed by crawling. Inside the cave, there is a cool temperature, not exceeding 14 deg

Одна из самых спелеологических достопримечательностей Оренбургской области и просто интересное место - пещера "Подарок". Она расположена в полутора километрах к западу от небольшого поселка Дубенской Оренбургской области на конезаводском карстовом поле (Беляевский район). Пещера является самой глубокой из всех пещер Оренбургской области.

The ancient stone gazebo-rotunda, located in the center of Orenburg city in Lenin Square, on Lenin Street, is a 19th-century architectural monument. It was created during the governorship of Peter Kirillovich Essen (1817-1830) and was originally situated in the Zaural Grove of the city. In the 1890s, it was relocated to Alexander's Square, which wa

On August 27, 2010, in Orenburg, the monument "The Golden Sarmatian Deer" was unveiled, which has become a symbol of the regional center. This sculpture, an exact copy of the deer figurine found during excavations in the Ilek district of the Orenburg region, was installed on the central street of the city thanks to a gift from the mobile operator M

The village of Andreevka, located in the Saraktashsky district, near the border with Bashkiria, is a historical settlement that attracts attention with its attractions, including the St. Andrew's Monastery. For many years, this area has attracted tourists and pilgrims with its rich history. It is known that the village had connections with the nam

The Holy Stone tract, also known as Mount Aleutas, is located in the Sol-Iletsky district of the Orenburg region, 2 km north of the former village of Prokhladny. It is located on the interfluve of the Kuraly and Berdyanka rivers, near the elevation mark of 284.9 meters, and 10.5 km southeast of the village of Perovka. This unique place consists of

The memorial complex in the city of Buzuluk, Orenburg region, is an important symbol of remembrance of the Great Patriotic War. It comprises several significant elements: The Eternal Flame was installed in 1970 thanks to the initiative of Buzuluk's Komsomol members. This symbolic flame honors the memory of the fallen soldiers and was inaugurated f

The history of the Orthodox Holy Trinity St. Simeon Monastery of Mercy in the village of Saraktash, Orenburg region, represents an amazing journey of faith and perseverance in the name of reviving spiritual values. In 1943, the history of the monastery began with the registration of a community of believers, and soon after, local residents applied

On September 12, 2011, in Orenburg, the temple at the regional clinical hospital No. 1 was consecrated. This temple, dedicated to the Holy Venerable Alexis, became the third hospital temple, the funding and initiative for the construction of which belonged to benefactors. The church was built with the funds of Lyudmila Ivanovna Kryukova in memory o

Places of interest: 288