The obelisk in the settlement of Grigoryevka in the Orenburg region is an important memorial dedicated to the memory of the residents who perished during the Great Patriotic War. This monument is a stele installed on a tiered pedestal. The names of all the residents of the Grigoryevsky rural council who did not return from the front are engraved on
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Когда-то давным - давно,в начале 19 века,местный купец построил этот храм в память о своей усопшей жене Екатерине. Во время гражданской войны 1918 - 20 годы в этом храме создали свой штаб и прятались от гнева народного местные капиталисты и помещики.Чтобы их выбить оттуда прибыл бронепоезд и разбомбил это логово... С тех пор всё так и осталось... П
The Pokrovskie Chalky Mountains represent a unique natural landmark in the Orenburg region, possessing significant historical, geological, and botanical value. Located in the Akbulak district, these mountains consist of chalky limestone formations dating back to the Maastrichtian age of the Cretaceous period. Their layers are enriched with well-pr
В самом не обычном и таинственном месте Оренбуржья - заброшенном меловом карьере,когда-то бойко работал завод по переработке мела,где трудились заключённые из расположенной рядышком тюрьмы. Тюрьма и сегодня действует,а вот заводик забыт и покинут,на радость сталкерам! Подробнее в группе ТАИНСТВЕННЫЕ МЕСТА ОРЕНБУРЖЬЯ в ОК.
The Holy Stone tract, also known as Mount Aleutas, is located in the Sol-Iletsky district of the Orenburg region, 2 km north of the former village of Prokhladny. It is located on the interfluve of the Kuraly and Berdyanka rivers, near the elevation mark of 284.9 meters, and 10.5 km southeast of the village of Perovka. This unique place consists of
The Corrective Institution Correctional Facility No. 9 (formerly known as Juvenile Colony No. 25/9) of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Orenburg Region was established on March 12, 1962, under the name Juvenile Colony No. 25/9 of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Orenburg Regional Executive Committee. Since then, the colony
Lake Razval, located in the resort town of Sol-Iletsk in the Orenburg region, is a famous salt lake. It is part of a local group of lakes and stands out for its size and high salinity compared to other bodies of water in the surrounding area. The average depth of the lake is about 10 meters, and the greatest reaches 22 meters. Currently, Lake Razv
While flying on the Li-2 plane on March 2, 1943, the weather suddenly changed: the Orenburg sky became cloudy and a snowstorm began. In conditions of poor visibility and difficult atmospheric conditions, the crew began to encounter unforeseen difficulties. Unable to reach the planned airfield in Orenburg, the pilots decided to make an emergency lan
In the center of the city of Sol-Iletsk, located in the Orenburg region, stands Victory Park - a symbolic memorial dedicated to the memory of those who did not return from the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. This park was established in memory of the 3838 city residents who died in that terrible ordeal. The opening of the park took place o
The monument to the fallen Heroes, erected in the once existing village of Kopansky, Akbulak district, Orenburg region, stands as a mute testimony to the courage and sacrifice of Soviet soldiers who fought during the Great Patriotic War. Today the village of Kopansky no longer exists, its name has been erased from maps, and its houses have been des