Orenburg residents - heroes of the First World War


  • Оренбуржцам – героям Первой мировой войны. Photography 1


The monument "Orenburgers - Heroes of the First World War" was opened in 2014, in honor of the centenary of the beginning of the First World War. It is a six-meter granite stele with a mosaic icon of St. George the Victorious and is dedicated to all Orenburg soldiers, Cossacks, officers and generals who participated in this war.

The monument is located in the park named after Vladyka Leonty between St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Monument to the Orenburg Cossacks. The monument project was developed by a creative group, which included the city’s chief architect Sergei Brenev, sculptor Evgeniy Vargot and mosaic author Denis Vargot.

The official opening of the monument was attended by the acting governor of the Orenburg region, Yuri Berg, who emphasized the importance of remembering all Orenburg residents who went to the front in the First World War and honoring their memory. Orenburg sent about 200 thousand soldiers to the front, including 30 thousand Cossacks, and their feat should be remembered and respected.


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