Interesting places: Mountain

Kalitsky Peak is a single pyramid-shaped rocky mountain, also known as a laccolith, located in the eastern Elbrus region. The mountain's height is 3,581 meters above sea level, and the base is at an altitude of about 3,350 meters, giving the summit a relative height of up to 230 meters above the surrounding glacier and rashes. The mountain is locat

Mount Sirkh, belonging to the Tashlysyrt (Black Mountain) ridge, is located on the western side of the Elbrus region. This place is not only natural, but also a historical and cultural treasure. Mount Sirkh is located on the border of a 12-kilometer caldera, divided by the Malka River into the western Tashlysyrt ridge and the eastern Shaukamnysyrt

On the northern slopes of Elbrus, at an altitude of 3200 meters, there is an amazing place - the Valley of Stone Mushrooms. This attraction is perhaps one of the most famous in the vicinity of Mount Elbrus. Stone mushrooms are about twenty rock sculptures created by nature. They resemble real forest mushrooms, such as boletus, russula and boletus.

Elbrus is a majestic stratovolcano located in the Caucasus. It is the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe, if we draw the border between Europe and Asia along the Main Caucasus Range or further south. Included in the “Seven Summits” list of the highest peaks of the world, Elbrus rises in the Lateral Range of the Greater Caucasus, just 10 km

The Pokrovskie Chalky Mountains represent a unique natural landmark in the Orenburg region, possessing significant historical, geological, and botanical value. Located in the Akbulak district, these mountains consist of chalky limestone formations dating back to the Maastrichtian age of the Cretaceous period. Their layers are enriched with well-pr

На южной оконечности хребта Карамурунтау близ села Кондуровка в крутом обрыве Нос-горы на правобережье реки Сакмары находится разрез-стратотип одного из ярусов перми. В 1874 г. он изучался академиком А.П. Карпинским, который первый назвал этот разрез сакмарским. А в 1936 г. палеонтолог В.Е. Руженцев на основе тщательного изучения ископаемой фауны о

Машу́к — останцовая магматическая гора (гора-лакколит) в центральной части Пятигорья на Кавказских Минеральных Водах, в северо-восточной части города Пятигорска. Высота 993,7 м. Памятник природы. Гора известна тем, что на ней состоялась дуэль великого русского поэта М. Ю. Лермонтова с отставным майором Н. С. Мартыновым, в результате которой Лермон

The Perkal rock in Pyatigorsk, named after a forester named Perkhalsky, keeps many secrets and historical events. Let's start with its name. It turns out that it does not come from the fictional Perkalsky or Perkalov, but from a real person named Perkhalsky. This forester probably came to the Caucasus in the early 1830s, possibly as a result of pa

Черекский Каньон. До конца XIX века, как повествует история Черекского ущелья, идти по горной дороге было сложно. Дорога была узкой, двоим людям с трудом удавалось разминуться, а те, кто был верхом, вел лошадь за собой. В 1883 году местные жители принялись за строительство Балкарской общественной колесной дороги, которая соединяла бы села Кашхатау

Mount Yamantau, whose name comes from the Bashkir "Yaman tau" - "bad (evil) mountain", is the highest point of the Southern Urals. It is located in the Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan and is part of the South Ural Nature Reserve. The mountain has a height of 1640.4 meters above sea level and is surrounded by no less interestin

Sokol Cliff, also known as Peter's Rock, is a flat-topped limestone cliff that falls steeply to the north. From the west, it has convenient access to the top, which makes it an excellent observation deck with a beautiful view of the Volga. According to legend, Peter I himself carved an inscription on the cliff in 1722 with his own hand while on hi

Mount Mogutovaya is a picturesque peak of the Zhiguli Mountains, 265 meters high. It is located on the banks of the Volga and is the only isolated peak in this massif. The northern slope of the mountain ends towards the Volga, and the remaining sides of the mountain are surrounded by the city of Zhigulevsk. On the eastern slope, known as Stone Mou

Molodetsky Kurgan is an impressive mountain in the western part of the Zhiguli Mountains, located at the confluence of the Usa and Volga rivers, opposite the city of Togliatti. The height of this mountain is 242.8 meters above sea level. Being one of the most famous peaks of the Zhiguli, Molodetsky Kurgan attracts the attention of both tourists and

Visly Kamen is an amazing rock rising above the water at an altitude of 70-80 meters. Its cornice resembles the profile of a bearded old man, which led to another name - “Stone Grandfather”. At the top of the rock there is a small platform from where magnificent views of the Snake Backwater and the Shelekhmet Mountains open up. However, it is worth

Places of interest: 111