Interesting places #archeology

The Phanagorian fortress, located on the territory of the modern village of Taman, is a significant historical monument reflecting the rich military and cultural history of the region. Erected at the end of the 18th century, this fortress is associated with the name of the famous Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. ### Construction hi

In 2012, the construction of the Phanagoria Scientific and Cultural Center, located in the area of the Eastern Necropolis on the territory of Phanagoria, was completed. The official opening of this center took place on October 3, 2012 and was marked by an international symposium dedicated to the ancient heritage of Kuban. Today, the building of th

«Ханова гора» расположена в Соль-Илецком районе Оренбургской области между селами Беляевка и Михайловка примерно в 45 километрах от города Оренбурга. Гора известна тем, что в её разрезах обнажаются уникальные породы юрского периода возрастом от 60 до 320 миллионов лет. У подножия горы можно встретить много змей. Всего обитателями Хановой горы являю

Расположенное в уединенном уголке Оренбургской области, в Кваркенском районе, всего в 6 километрах от поселка Красный Огородник, древнее поселение представляет собой настоящий археологический клад. Оно располагается на устье реки Солончанк, на левом берегу реки Суундук, по сути, являясь островом в междуречье. В дождливые дни добраться до него может

The archaeological complex "Germonassa-Tmutarakan" on the Taman Peninsula is a unique archaeological site that preserves traces of life from ancient Greek times to the present. This complex is one of the most significant archaeological monuments in Russia and has federal status. The history of Hermonassa begins with the founding of a Greek colony

Vera Island is a complex of archaeological sites located on Lake Turgoyak in the Chelyabinsk region. This island, which is the largest island in the lake, is famous for its megalithic structures, including chamber tombs, dolmens and menhirs. Vera Island is located near the western shore of the lake and can turn into a peninsula at low water levels

Shartash stone tents are one of the unique natural monuments in Yekaterinburg. Their history goes back a long way, and the area around the rocks has attracted people from different eras for centuries. The rocks, stretching for tens of meters along Lake Shartash, are the result of many years of exposure to natural forces. Their mattress-like shape,

The Tiverskoe settlement, located on Vuoksa, is an archaeological complex remaining from an ancient fortified settlement inhabited by Karelians and Novgorodians. In the XIII-XIV centuries it was one of the leading fortresses in the region, whose task was to delay the enemy on the way to the Korela fortress. The fort was surrounded by a stone wall

Bashkir tamgas, which can be found on the outskirts of the village of Tashly in Bashkortostan, are ancient symbols of clan affiliation and property. Tamgas were widely used by the Bashkirs to mark the boundaries of estates, pastures, side trees, as well as to mark tools, livestock and household items. Sometimes tamgas were even used as signatures o

The stone labyrinths on Bolshoi Zayatsky Island are a unique archaeological phenomenon that attracts the attention of researchers and mystery lovers. In total, there are about 35 labyrinths on the islands of the Solovetsky archipelago, of which 13 or 14 are located on Bolshoi Zayatsky Island. Labyrinths are low spiral-shaped stone pavements of rou

Of particular interest is a single trough-shaped dolmen, carved from a spherical block of sandstone, which is located on the left bank of the Svir River on the slope of the ridge not far from its second waterfall. This artifact is located on the territory of the Sochi National Park and is under the management of the Lazarevskoye forestry. It is imp

Kamyshinskiye Ushi are two mountains resembling ears sticking out of the ground, which are located 7 km northwest of the city of Kamyshin in the Volgograd region. These mountains have a height of 175 meters above sea level and rise 30-40 meters above the surrounding area. They represent two hills that were previously an island in a shallow subtropi

Arkaim is an archaeological complex consisting of a settlement, a burial ground and settlements dating from the 20th/18th to the 18th/16th centuries BC. This complex is part of the Sintashta culture and is known as the “Land of Cities”. Located in the valleys of the Bolshaya Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, Arkaim

The Belyaevsky district of the Orenburg region is famous for many historical places and unique attractions that reflect the culture and life of their ancestors. One of these amazing objects is the brick copper smelting furnaces of the 19th century, located 1.5 km south of the village of Krasnouralsk on the banks of the Burla River. The diameter of

Phanagoria, located on the territory of the Asian Bosporus, impresses with its large historical necropolis, surrounding the city on three sides. This necropolis, which is the largest in the region, is divided into three main parts: Eastern, Western and Southern. The eastern part begins at the city walls and extends along the coast of the Taman Bay

The Bukobay Yars, located within the Sol-Iletsk urban district of the Orenburg Region, represent a remarkable natural monument. Over millions of years, nature has shaped massive spherical and mushroom-like sculptures from sand, creating stunning compositions. These natural formations, resembling giant mushrooms, have cap diameters ranging from 50 t

Остатки укрепленного поселения на берегу реки Камы, близ города Елабуга. Сохранившаяся наугольная башня утраченного сооружения — каменный пустотелый цилиндр с металлической кровлей в виде низкого купола. Высота 7,1 метра, диаметр внутреннего пространства 5,7 метра. Толщина стены уменьшается от 2 метров у подошвы до 0,7 метра в верхней половине, отч

Places of interest: 17