Interesting places: Priozerskiy District

On the banks of the Vuoksa River there are historical monuments, including the ruins of an unknown hydraulic structure in the vicinity of the village of Michurinskoye. These mysterious ruins, unofficially believed to be a possible sawmill, have attracted the attention of researchers for their mystery and potential historical significance. It is be

15 kilometers from Losevo, on the banks of the Vuoksa-virta river (the northern branch of the Vuoksa) there was the Finnish village of Vuoksela, which, unfortunately, was destroyed during the war. However, among the forest that grew on the site of rural buildings, one highlight has been preserved - the rural church. Vuoksela Church was built on Ca

The Tiverskoe settlement, located on Vuoksa, is an archaeological complex remaining from an ancient fortified settlement inhabited by Karelians and Novgorodians. In the XIII-XIV centuries it was one of the leading fortresses in the region, whose task was to delay the enemy on the way to the Korela fortress. The fort was surrounded by a stone wall

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