Interesting places: Chelyabinsk Region

В бешеном ритме жизни крупных городов сложно найти время для отдыха. Но для жителей мегаполисов существует много мест отдыха и развлечений. Так, практически в каждом городе есть живой уголок – это зоопарки. Где-то они небольшие, а в какие-то люди едут даже издалека. Один из таких известных зоопарков находится в центральной части города Челяби

Rock "Dog" is a natural formation located in the Chelyabinsk region, which attracts attention with its bizarre shape and unique rock structure. According to geologists, it has a similar structure to Mount Razbornaya, which adds mystery to this place. The Dog Rock is famous for its numerous bizarre shapes of rocks and stones, which are the result o

Blue Shikhan, also known as Blue Stone, is a rock outcrop located on the left bank of the Ural River in the Chelyabinsk region. This geological natural monument is known for its quartz porphyrites of light lilac color. A rare complex of plants protected by law grows on the slopes of the rock. Blue Shikhan has a unique geological and historical his

Seven caves, or "Cave City", discovered on the banks of the Sinara River in the Kunashaksky district of the Chelyabinsk region, are new archaeological complexes consisting of ten caves. They were discovered by speleoarchaeologist Vladimir Yurin near the village of Ust-Karabolka, in the rocks near the Solyanoy Ford tract. The first complex, called

Located in the Kizilsky district, the Ring rock is one of the many attractions of this region rich in natural beauty. Located on the border of the Chelyabinsk region and Bashkiria, it attracts attention with its unusual appearance and atmosphere. The rock got its name due to its ring-like shape. The Khudolaz River, a tributary of the Urals, makes

The composition "Eternal Flame" in Magnitogorsk is an important symbol of the memory of fallen soldiers and heroic deeds during the war. For its manufacture, red-brown granite was used, similar to that which was used for cladding the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square. Granite blocks weighing about 26-27 tons each were transported from Karelia, the only

The “Rear to Front” monument in Magnitogorsk is an important symbol of the memory and heroism of home front workers during the Great Patriotic War. The authors of the monument, sculptor Lev Nikolaevich Golovnitsky and architect Yakov Borisovich Belopolsky, created a unique ensemble, which became the first large monumental complex dedicated to the l

Mount Alexandrovskaya Sopka, one of the highest points of the Ural Mountains watershed, is located in the Chelyabinsk region near the city of Zlatoust. This ridge separates the continental parts of Europe and Asia. Near the summit of the mountain stands a granite obelisk, erected back in 1892 at the Urzhumka station. The view of the mountain is see

The Argazinskaya hydroelectric power station, located on the Miass River in the Chelyabinsk region, near the village of Bayramgulovo, began its construction history in 1939. In this place of the river, several dams were already built before the appearance of the hydroelectric power station. The first of them was built in 1853 for the needs of mills

The Argazinskoye Reservoir, located in the Argayashsky District of the Chelyabinsk Region, is a large artificial reservoir, the largest in the region. Its construction began in 1939 on the Miass River and was completed seven years later in 1946 with the construction of the Argazinskaya Hydroelectric Station dam. The reservoir received its name from

The Ashinsky cave complex is a fascinating archaeological study, revealing the rich history of the ancient inhabitants of this area. Consisting of 25 underground sites, including caves, grottoes, karst arches and a rock overhang, the complex provides insight into the life of ancient people throughout various historical eras. One of the most notabl

The Kesene Mausoleum, also known as the "Tower of Tamerlane", is a historical monument of the 14th century, located in the Varna district of the Chelyabinsk region. It is located 3 kilometers east of the village of Varna, on the shore of Lake Bolshoye Kesene, which is now overgrown with vegetation. The name "Kesene" translated from Turkic languages

The small lake Koshkul, located in the Chelyabinsk region near the city of Miass, despite its name, has nothing to do with cats. This is a combination of two Bashkir words: "ҡosh" - which means "bird" (or another version - "kash", which translates as "forest clearing"), and "kul" - which means "lake". The lake has a natural oval shape, its maximum

The Yusupov spring is one of the significant natural sites in the village of Varna in the Chelyabinsk region. Its location is in the south of the village, in close proximity to the road leading to the Topolek boarding house. This spring, along with two other drinking water springs, is part of the region's natural wealth. Local authorities have tak

The village of Paris in the Chelyabinsk region is a unique place that attracts tourists with a copy of the Eiffel Tower, built in 2005. This copy, with a height of 50 meters, is one of the most striking attractions of the Southern Urals. Although its size is significantly smaller than the original in France, it is still impressive in its architectu

In the Chelyabinsk region there is a small village of Leninsk, which was founded in 1824. Its history began with the Tsarevo-Alexandrovsky mine, named after Emperor Alexander I, who personally visited these places. At the same time, the largest gold nugget in Russia was discovered here, called the “Big Triangle” and weighing 36 kg. Many believers l

Mount Itsyl, located in the Southern Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, is the southern tip of the ridge of the same name, which is part of the Taganay mountain cluster. Located 26 kilometers northeast of Zlatoust, it is part of the Taganay National Park. Mount Itsil has a double-headed shape with a ridge-shaped plateau between the southern and north

Mountain Dalniy Taganay, the northernmost and most extensive peak of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge, is located in the Chelyabinsk region, 25 kilometers from the city of Zlatoust. Its height is 1112 meters above sea level. At the top of the mountain, from 1932 to 2005, the Taganay Mountain weather station operated, which has now turned into a tourist sh

Примерное место авиакатастрофы транспортного самолета Ли-2 (по некоторым данным DC-3, полученный по ленд-лизу) 30 декабря 1947 года. Экипаж в составе 4-х человек выполнял рейс из Челябинска в Москву с промежуточной посадкой в аэропорту города Казань. В Челябинске на борт транспортного самолета было загружено около 2-х тонн груза - абразивные круги

Ilmen Lake, also known as Ilmen or Imenkul, is located in the Southern Urals near the southern tip of the Ilmen Range, in the territory of the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region. The lake has a shape close to an oval, extending in the northwest and southeast directions. Its area is about 4.76 square kilometers and its maximum depth reaches 6.1 meter

The Taiginsky quarry in the Chelyabinsk region is the largest in the region and produces graphite, which is in demand in various industries for its unique properties. Graphite, consisting of pure carbon, has high refractoriness, fire resistance and ductility, which makes it a necessary material in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, electronics, as

Places of interest: 73