

  • Камышинские уши. Photo 1
  • Камышинские уши. Photo 2
  • Камышинские уши. Photo 3
  • Камышинские уши. Photo 4
  • Горы Уши. Photo 5
  • Горы Уши. Photo 6
  • Горы Уши. Photo 7
  • Горы Уши. Photo 8


Kamyshinskiye Ushi are two mountains resembling ears sticking out of the ground, which are located 7 km northwest of the city of Kamyshin in the Volgograd region. These mountains have a height of 175 meters above sea level and rise 30-40 meters above the surrounding area. They represent two hills that were previously an island in a shallow subtropical sea.

Kamyshinskie Ushi is a paleobotanical and landscape natural monument of the Volgograd region and the only place in the region where rocks come to the surface. To preserve this unique natural site, a specially protected natural area called “Kamyshin Mountains Ears and Forehead” was created.

Mentions of the Kamyshin Ears have been found in literature since 1862, when they were described in P. P. Neidgardt’s book “Journey along the Volga.” The book mentions that the mountains are made of a silica base, which was used to make millstones.

Famous scientists such as R. I. Murchison, member of the Geological and Geographical Society of London, and K. M. Baer, founder of the Russian Geographical Society, also visited the mountains at different times.

The mountains were formed approximately 30-50 million years ago and are composed mainly of gray sandstone. There are fossils characteristic of the subtropics, including impressions of leaves of various tree species. Imprints of plants that no longer exist have also been found on the mountains, indicating that the climate in the region was warm and humid during the Late Paleogene.

Kamyshinskiye Ushi attracts tourists, climbers and speleologists, as there are caves and interesting geological formations on its territory.


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