Interesting places: Chelyabinsk Region - Page 3

The Nikolsky Stone Bridge is a unique structure in the Southern Urals, and its construction is associated with Professor N.A. Belelyubsky. It is a double-arched structure, one arch of which extends over the bed of the Sim River, and the other over the highway connecting the cities of Sim and Asha. This bridge was built as part of the construction o

The first dumpling museum in Russia surprises visitors with its unusual content. His collection contains a wealth of information about dumplings: their history, traditions, recipes, photographs, as well as models of this famous dish from various countries. In the museum you can also see interesting artifacts related to the cuisines of our ancestors

The man-made Ural desert, located near the city of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region, is a unique object created by man. This desert is a tailings pond for waste from a graphite mill. A tailings pond is used to receive and store waste from graphite ore processing, called tailings. The processing plant was built in 1941 after geologists discovered

The Radostnoye deposit (also known as Raduzhnoe or Radoshnoye) was discovered in 1817. The mined ferruginous quartzites were supplied to the Ufaleysky and Kyshtym metallurgical plants. The deposit is part of the Taratash group of deposits and is located on the southern slope of Mount Radoshnaya (also known as Mount Radostnaya, according to the top

The Chapel of St. Alexander Nevsky, located in the village of Taiginka, part of the Kyshtym urban district, is a unique object that evokes surprise and admiration for its record construction time. Work on the construction of the chapel, according to the approved sketch, began on July 2, 2004, and by September 24 of the same year the builders comple

The Zyuratkul National Park, created on November 3, 1993, occupies a total area of 88,249 hectares and extends from north to south for 49 km and from west to east for 28 km. The park is designed to preserve unique natural complexes, monuments of nature, history, culture and archeology, as well as to conduct environmental education of the population

The ruins of a former factory, destroyed by an explosion about a century ago, are preserved in the forests in the vicinity of Mount Egozy near Kyshtym. This plant was built in 11 months during the First World War and was intended to produce dynamite. The construction of the plant was carried out at the expense and risk of the Kyshtym Mining Plants

Mount Sugomak, located near the city of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region, is the second highest mountain in the mountain range on the western side of Kyshtym. Its height is 591 meters above sea level. It is located next to the highest mountain of this massif - Egoza, 607 meters above sea level. Mount Sugomak is a rocky peak covered with mixed for

Sugomakskaya Cave is the only cave in the Urals formed in marble rock by water. It is located on the eastern slope of Mount Sugomak, near the city of Kyshtym. The cave consists of three grottoes connected by narrow passages. The first grotto, called Svetly, is partially illuminated by light from outside and is accessible even to children. In winte

The divers' quarry, a former quartz quarry, is one of the most beautiful artificial reservoirs in the Kyshtym urban district. This quarry is the result of abandoned quarries that began to fill with water after quartz mining ceased in the sixties of the last century. The quarry attracts the attention of divers with its depth, reaching almost forty

The village of Tyulyuk, located in the Chelyabinsk region, looks like an authentic ancient settlement, and rightly so, since it was founded in the second half of the 18th century. The center of the village is decorated with a beautiful wooden Orthodox church, which is an architectural monument. The church dedicated to the Entry of the Blessed Virgi

In 2015, on the eastern shore of Lake Anbash, UFO enthusiasts from the Cosmopoisk association erected a monument to the mysterious Kyshtym dwarf, known as Alyoshenka. This anthropomorphic artifact was the mummified remains of a suspected human miscarriage, found in 1996 near the southern outskirts of Kyshtym in the village of Kaolinovy, Chelyabinsk

Anbash is a lake located on the territory of the Kyshtym urban district of the Chelyabinsk region of Russia. The lake is located approximately 1 km south of the city and is surrounded by a village and station of the same name. The total area of the lake is approximately 250 hectares, and the water level reaches 249.7 m above sea level. In the nort

Arkaim is an archaeological complex consisting of a settlement, a burial ground and settlements dating from the 20th/18th to the 18th/16th centuries BC. This complex is part of the Sintashta culture and is known as the “Land of Cities”. Located in the valleys of the Bolshaya Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, Arkaim

Komsomolskaya Cave, located in the Ashinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, is one of the deepest caves in the region. The study of this cave began in 1971 by a speleological group of the Pluto club from the city of Chelyabinsk. The total length of all corridors and passages of the cave is 546 meters, and the maximum depth reaches 78 meters. T

The Iken cave, located on Mount Burgaz in the Arkhangelsk region of the Republic of Bashkortostan, was discovered and explored by speleologists in 1964. This unique natural formation attracts attention with its size and various sinter formations. The cave has a length of 333 meters and a maximum depth of 12.5 meters. The height of the ceiling vaul

The Zyuratkul Fountain, also known as the “Ice Fountain,” is a unique natural object that amazes with its beauty and unusualness. Formed by chance in 1976 during geological exploration, this artesian fountain has become one of the amazing natural phenomena. To get to the Zyuratkul fountain, you can use a car. There are several routes, but, for exa

The abandoned mines of the village of Slyudorudnik in the Chelyabinsk region are a unique place that attracts numerous tourists and outdoor enthusiasts. In the 19th century, these places were the center of gold mining, and then bauxite deposits were discovered, which led to the active development of muscovite and bauxite deposits for the defense in

The Sikiyaz-Tamak cave complex, located in the Satka district of the Chelyabinsk region on the border with Bashkiria, is a unique archaeological and natural phenomenon that attracts the attention of researchers and tourists. Discovered in 1995 by a group of Chelyabinsk speleologists and archaeologists, the complex contains materials from archaeolo

The Porogi hydroelectric power station (also known as the Porozhskaya HPP) is a unique facility in the Chelyabinsk region and Russia as a whole. This small hydroelectric power station, located on the Bolshaya Satka River, near the village of Porogi, has a long history and is important for the region. Built in 1910, the Porogi hydroelectric power s

The kaolin quarry, known as the Ural "Bali", is located in the Chelyabinsk region, near the city of Kyshtym. This unique landscape is striking in its beauty: the azure water washing the white beaches gives it a resemblance to the tropical beaches of Bali in the Malay Archipelago. The quarry was used to extract white clay containing kaolinite and s

Places of interest: 73