Катастрофа, произошедшая на участке Кропачёво – Иглино Куйбышевской железной дороги 11 августа 2011 года, была вызвана отказом тормозов тяжелого грузового поезда № 2707 на крутом уклоне. Это привело к столкновению с впереди идущим поездом № 1933, в результате чего погибли оба члена локомотивной бригады поезда № 2707. Машинист поезда № 2707, Шумихи
Nikolsky Stone Bridge
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- Edited3 April 2024, 06:24
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The Nikolsky Stone Bridge is a unique structure in the Southern Urals, and its construction is associated with Professor N.A. Belelyubsky. It is a double-arched structure, one arch of which extends over the bed of the Sim River, and the other over the highway connecting the cities of Sim and Asha. This bridge was built as part of the construction of the Samara-Zlatoust railway.
The bridge is located just 6 kilometers from the city of Minyara and was built in 1929-1930, part of the railway line construction complex. It was put into operation in 1931 and is the first arched concrete bridge built in the USSR. Next to it is another railway bridge, opened in 1890.
The bridge is surrounded by picturesque Ural nature, with the stormy Sim River and coniferous forests along the banks. The structure of the bridge is made using rubble stone, which organically fits into the landscape of the coastline.
Despite the fact that the history of the construction of the bridge is well known, one mystery still remains unsolved. No one knows the name of the female construction manager who led the work on the bridge. Local historians and researchers are trying to unravel this mystery, but so far to no avail. It is believed that this woman could have been repressed, and her documents are stored in the bowels of the NKVD. Despite the lack of precise information about her personality, she left her mark on the history of the bridge's construction, and her courageous act became a subject of interest to many researchers and tourists.