The Zyuratkul Fountain, also known as the “Ice Fountain,” is a unique natural object that amazes with its beauty and unusualness. Formed by chance in 1976 during geological exploration, this artesian fountain has become one of the amazing natural phenomena. To get to the Zyuratkul fountain, you can use a car. There are several routes, but, for exa
Zyuratkul National Park
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- Edited9 March 2024, 10:07
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The Zyuratkul National Park, created on November 3, 1993, occupies a total area of 88,249 hectares and extends from north to south for 49 km and from west to east for 28 km. The park is designed to preserve unique natural complexes, monuments of nature, history, culture and archeology, as well as to conduct environmental education of the population and carry out environmental monitoring.
The park includes various natural sites, such as the high-mountain Zyuratkul reservoir, the Kalagaza and Berezyak rivers, the Zyuratkul Pillars rocks and the Elm Grove. In the park you can find many attractions, such as the mountain-tundra plateau on the Nurgush ridge, the Fontan artesian spring, relict forests and rare plant species listed in the Red Book of Russia.
The flora of the park includes forests with a predominance of spruce and spruce-fir tree species, as well as birch forests. More than 650 plant species live on its territory, including many rare and unique species.
The fauna of the park is also rich in various species. It is home to more than 200 species of animals, including bears, wolves, moose, fish, amphibians and birds. Many of these species are listed in the Red Book of Russia.
Archaeological finds have also been discovered in the park, such as ancient sites of people from the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras, as well as various artifacts presented in museums in the region.
The park annually hosts events aimed at promoting its natural and cultural resources, as well as preserving and restoring its unique ecosystem.