Interesting places: Chelyabinsk Region - Page 2

Turgoyaksky quarry is an enterprise specializing in the extraction of fluxing limestone, which is located in the Chelyabinsk region. Beginning in 1920, the Turgoyak mining department of the Uralruda trust began developing a deposit of fluxing limestone in order to obtain construction lime. Since 1930, limestone began to be mined as a high-quality f

The Sukhaya Atya Cave is a unique natural object in the Chelyabinsk region. Its name comes from the river on which it is located, which is called “Sukhaya Atya”. This term is translated from Bashkir as “horse river”, reflecting the importance of horse breeding for the local population. Sukhaya Atya Cave is known for its karst landscape, which incl

The Urenga mountain range, located in the Chelyabinsk region, is one of the outstanding natural objects of this region. Composed of quartzites, crystalline schists and phyllites, it is a wonderful example of natural beauty and unique landscape. The slopes of the ridge, covered with mixed forests, create picturesque and impressive views. The length

Есть два типа людей: одни считают, что это необычная скала природного происхождения, а вторые считают это искусственная стена прошлых цивилизаций. Какая она - судите сами, но выглядит она впечатляюще этим и привлекает внимание всех туристов.

Катастрофа, произошедшая на участке Кропачёво – Иглино Куйбышевской железной дороги 11 августа 2011 года, была вызвана отказом тормозов тяжелого грузового поезда № 2707 на крутом уклоне. Это привело к столкновению с впереди идущим поездом № 1933, в результате чего погибли оба члена локомотивной бригады поезда № 2707. Машинист поезда № 2707, Шумихи

Пещера "Колокольная" находится в Катав-Ивановском районе Челябинской области, недалеко от села Серпиевка. Это уникальное подземное образование, известное своими удивительными гротами, коридорами и сталактитовыми образованиями. Вход в пещеру направлен на юго-восток и имеет форму арки высотой 3 метра и шириной 4 метра, расположенную на высоте 11 мет

Пещера "Соломенная" находится в Челябинской области, в Катав-Ивановском районе, близ села Серпиевка. Ее местонахождение относится к Каратаускому району Предуральской карстовой провинции. Вход в пещеру представляет собой искусственный вертикальный колодец, защищенный бревенчатым срубом, который переходит в наклонную щель. Пещера разработана в пересе

The Taganay-niz meteorological station was opened on August 1, 1930 at the foot of Dalny Taganay, at an altitude of 600 m above sea level. Two years later, on August 20, 1932, the Taganay Mountain weather station was opened at the top of the mountain, which became the highest in the Urals. The observation site was located at an altitude of 1112 m a

The Valley of Fairy Tales, also known as the Sand Hills, is a unique area of nature located between the Otklikny Ridge and Kruglitsa in the Bolshoi Taganay ridge. This place amazes with its beauty and diversity of natural formations. A special feature of the Valley of Fairy Tales is the presence of low-growing sub-alpine spruce forests, meadows wi

Kruglitsa is a mountain that is the highest point of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge and the entire Taganay mountain range. With its height of 1178 meters, it attracts tourists and travelers with its beauty and unique natural features. The name of the mountain comes from its characteristic round shape, as well as its resemblance to a Turkic headdress, w

Responsive Ridge is one of the peaks of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge, 1155 meters high. Located in the Taganay National Park, this ridge is located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Zlatoust and is a unique natural monument. The ridge consists of several steep cliffs, up to 100 meters high, and has a characteristic ridge-like outline. Its name c

The two-headed hill, one of the most popular peaks of the Taganay Range among tourists, attracts many visitors at any time of the year. Its northern peak reaches a height of 1041 meters and is an arched ridge that extends in a southeast direction. The slopes of the hill are covered with stone screes, and the peak itself consists of terraces, rock w

The Zaozerny Range is a mountain range located in the Chelyabinsk region in the Southern Urals. Its name comes from its location beyond Lake Turgoyak. The ridge includes Varganova Mountain and extends between the Ilmen Mountains and the Uraltau Range. The highest height of the ridge is reached on Zaozernaya Mountain, which reaches a height of 683

Vera Island is a complex of archaeological sites located on Lake Turgoyak in the Chelyabinsk region. This island, which is the largest island in the lake, is famous for its megalithic structures, including chamber tombs, dolmens and menhirs. Vera Island is located near the western shore of the lake and can turn into a peninsula at low water levels

Mount Krutoy Klyuch, located in the Southern Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, is a peak with a pronounced rocky peak. Its height is 782 meters above sea level, and it is located at the southern tip of the Small Ural Range. The wide and majestic rocky ridge of the mountain stretches for about 2 kilometers. The highest point of the Small Ural Range

French Hill, located in the vicinity of the city of Miass in the Chelyabinsk region, is a unique place reminiscent of the ruins of an ancient castle. The name of this place is interesting, and its history is even more intriguing. Mount French rises near the Miass River, reaching a height of 445 meters above sea level. When approaching this place,

Dragon's Wings is an amazing place with an unusual rock that resembles a dragon's head. Located in the vicinity of the village of Slyudorudnik near the city of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region, this rock attracts many people with its mysterious shape and legendary history. According to one of the legends, here, near the Kyshtym plant on Tyopla Go

The Devil's Tooth Rock is a majestic stone outcrop, distinguished by its unusual shape, reminiscent of the devil's teeth. Located in the vicinity of the village of Slyudorudnik in the Chelyabinsk region, this rock massif is also called Devil’s Settlement. Its height reaches about 25 meters, and its length is about 100 meters. You can approach the

The Devil's Settlement is a mountain with a rock mass of the same name at the top, located in the northwestern part of the municipality of the Kyshtym urban district of the Chelyabinsk region of Russia. The rocks at the top are granite outcrops with weathering patterns and a complex of rock flora. It is a geomorphological, botanical and archaeologi

Гора Егоза, расположенная на юге Среднего Урала, высотой 607,7 метров, представляет собой прекрасное место для активного отдыха в любое время года. На ее склонах проходит горнолыжный центр "Гора Егоза", привлекающий любителей зимнего спорта. Название "Егоза" происходит от башкирского топонима и означает "вход в межгорье" или "горловина межгорья",

Places of interest: 73