The Valley of Fairy Tales, also known as the Sand Hills, is a unique area of nature located between the Otklikny Ridge and Kruglitsa in the Bolshoi Taganay ridge. This place amazes with its beauty and diversity of natural formations. A special feature of the Valley of Fairy Tales is the presence of low-growing sub-alpine spruce forests, meadows wi
Mount Kruglitsa
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- Edited3 April 2024, 06:24
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Kruglitsa is a mountain that is the highest point of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge and the entire Taganay mountain range. With its height of 1178 meters, it attracts tourists and travelers with its beauty and unique natural features.
The name of the mountain comes from its characteristic round shape, as well as its resemblance to a Turkic headdress, which is why it is sometimes called the “Bashkir hat”. The mountain consists of white, pink and cherry quartzites, sometimes with inclusions of aventurine. On the slopes of Kruglitsa you can see juniper and areas of mountain tundra.
At the foot of the mountain there is a tourist shelter "Taganay", from which a 3-kilometer-long trail to the top of the mountain begins. However, the climb to the top can be difficult due to rock slides and kurms. The slopes of the mountain are covered with juniper and low-growing spruce trees.
Kruglitsa has a streamlined top, which creates the effect of a swaying mountain on clear sunny days. The air becomes easily mobile, and the stones, heated by the sun, release moisture from the cracks. Sometimes it feels like the mountain is ready to tear itself away from its base.