
  • Valley of Fairy Tales. Photo 1
  • Valley of Fairy Tales. Photo 2
  • Valley of Fairy Tales. Photo 3


The Valley of Fairy Tales, also known as the Sand Hills, is a unique area of nature located between the Otklikny Ridge and Kruglitsa in the Bolshoi Taganay ridge. This place amazes with its beauty and diversity of natural formations.

A special feature of the Valley of Fairy Tales is the presence of low-growing sub-alpine spruce forests, meadows with berries (lingonberries, blueberries, crowberries), mountain grasses and dwarf juniper. Here you can find numerous bizarre remains made up of sugar-like quartzites.

The place where the Valley of Fairy Tales is located is located in a zone of past intense tectonic movements. Quartz grains, weakly held together by a cementitious substance, acquired a slightly rounded shape through friction against each other and physical weathering. The result was the formation of striking shapes in rock outcrops.

As a result of physical weathering, material released from the rocks was deposited along the slopes of the saddle in the form of snow-white quartz sand. Today this sand is concentrated on narrow paths trodden by humans.

Thanks to the bizarre shapes of the remains, some of which resemble various fairy-tale characters, this place was called the Valley of Fairy Tales. Tourists come here to enjoy the amazing scenery and feel the atmosphere of a fairy-tale world created by nature.


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