Дворец Манук-Бея — здание, построенное в 1817 году архитектором Бернардацци по заказу Манук-бея Мирзояна — армянина по происхождению, турецкого дипломата и русского разведчика по совместительству, однако пожить в роскоши дворца Манук-бей не успел, потому что погиб 20 июня 1817 года. Данное строение находится в городе Хынчешть, в центральной части
Interesting places #farmstead
The Stroganov-Vasilchikov estate in Volyshevo, Pskov region, was a magnificent complex that was once considered one of the most luxurious estates in Russia. Located near Porkhov, this village had a long history, dating back to the 15th century, when the estate of the famous Zakhar Bespyatykh and his sons was located here. However, the estate exper
The educational and historical reserve "Estate of Prince A.G. Gagarin "Kholomki" is located in the Pskov region, just 15 km from the ancient city of Porkhov. This place, called Kholomki, attracts attention with its historical significance and beauty. At the beginning of the 20th century, Prince Andrei Grigorievich Gagarin, a descendant of an old n
One of the historically significant buildings in Samara is the Chelyshev apartment buildings, which are considered one of the oldest in the city. It was here that rental apartments first appeared, attracting as residents members of the city's intelligentsia, such as teachers, lawyers and doctors who came to Samara. Merchant Chelyshev built two apa
На рубеже 19-20 веков усадьба принадлежала русскому фабриканту Михаилу Асееву. Здание является памятником архитектуры, сочетающим разные стили. Усадьба расположена на набережной канала реки Цны. После постройки здания была благоустроена территория - создан парк с фонтанами и скульптурами. После революции усадьба была национализирована. Многие годы
Усадьба Гальских - памятник архитектуры, истории и культуры начала XIX века - была одной из красивейших в Череповецком уезде. После революции усадьба была национализирована. Там в разное время располагались техникум, управления колхозами, общежития. В отсутствии надлежащего ухода здания приходили в упадок. В усадьбе, кроме помещичьего дома, сохрани
В 1840 году на левом берегу Волги в 40 км от Казани великий российский математик профессор Казанского университета Н.И.Лобачевский приобрел поместье в деревне Слободка ( ныне город Козловка) для летнего отдыха. Н.И.Лобачевский построил дом, оранжерею и теплицы, развел уникальный сад с редкими деревьями, стал применять искусственное орошение, занялс
The house of Zinaida Nikolaevna Ushkova in Kazan is an outstanding example of early 20th century architecture in an eclectic style. This is a two-story brick building with small flat risalits on the facades, which is externally distinguished by its plastered finish. The architectural composition of the house, its decorative decoration and interior
The House with Elephants, the former dacha of Konstantin Golovkin, located at Sovetskaya Armii Street, 292 in Samara, is an architectural monument and an object of cultural heritage of Russia. Built in the Art Nouveau style in 1908-1909, this house was the result of the joint work of Golovkin himself and the architect Valentin Vladimirovich Tepfer.
The Gurylev estate, located at Gogol, 22, is a historical site of the city of Ufa and is an interesting architectural complex with a rich history. This house, originally owned by local tradesman Nikolai Gurylev, was the center of life and cultural activity in the early 20th century. It was home to such outstanding personalities as geobotanist Alex
The Ryabinin estate on Gogol Street, house 24, is a unique architectural monument of Ufa, built in the first half of the 19th century. This wooden house has a rich history and is associated with prominent personalities. The history of the house begins with Anna Gavrilovna Tikhanovskaya, an official who was its first owner in 1879. Subsequently, th
The house of the merchant Chukin in the village of Askuly in the Samara region has an interesting history, although the exact details of the fate of its owner remain unknown due to different versions of history. Perhaps the merchant Chukin disappeared in the Gulag or was dispossessed and forced to leave for Kazakhstan. It is interesting that the C
In the historical part of Orenburg, a unique heritage is preserved - the estate of lawyer Yevsey Gorodissky, which has become the object of many urban legends. The brick mansion, known as the "House with Lions", was erected in 1906 on Neplyuevskaya Street, now known as Leninskaya Street, in the historical heart of the city. The building attracted
Nikolskoye-Prozorovskoye, formerly known as Shipilovo, is an abandoned estate that belonged to the Prozorovsky princes, located in the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region, near Marfino. The history of the name of this estate is rich and varied. It was formed on the basis of two settlements - Shipilovo and Nikolo-Prozorovo, at the end of the 18
The Deevsky mansion, located in Znamenka, Belebeevsky district of Bashkiria, is a beautiful two-story estate built at the beginning of the 20th century by the Russian landowner Nikolai Vasilyevich Deev. This majestic red brick home embodies a classic style and is impressive in scale and architectural beauty. On the first floor of the mansion there
This amazing building on Frunze Street in Samara, which has stood since 1881-1882, has a rich history and is associated with outstanding personalities. Originally built by order of Staff Captain A.I. Werner, it later became the property of Alexei Apollonovich Bostrom, stepfather of Alexei Tolstoy. The house itself, which consisted of two wooden ho
The estate of Alfred F. von Vacano on Rabochaya Street in Samara is truly one of the significant architectural sites of the city. Built in the German Art Nouveau style, this house is a fine example of early 20th century architecture. The preserved exterior decoration and decorative elements inside the building give it a special charm and make it a
The building of the Samara State Philharmonic, as it can be seen today, was constructed on the site of the former Olimp Circus Theater. This circus was built in 1907 according to the design of architect Platon Vasilyevich Shamansky and was located closer to the intersection of modern-day Frunze and L. Tolstoy streets. The circus building had an ele
Дом-музей Ильи Репина воссоздает быт типичной поволжской крестьянской усадьбы XIX века и является одним из филиалов Самарского художественного музея. Здесь представлены документальные и художественные материалы по истории и культуре края, а также предметы крестьянского быта, мемориальные и репродукционные материалы. В этом музее Илья Репин создавал
Памятник русской архитектуры XVIII века, расположенный в бывшем имении графов Шереметевых на территории современного Останкинского парка. Является наиболее близким к Кремлю усадебно-парковым комплексом. Ансамбль усадьбы сформировался при графе Николае Шереметеве на рубеже XVIII—XIX веков. Построенный в Останкине дворец-театр — единстве
Нелепая утрата 1960-х гг. - ансамбль усадьбы Самариных Васильевское на Волге (ныне поселок Приволжье Самарской области). Это была одна из крупнейших и вместе с тем немногих усадеб в отдаленном от Центральной России регионе. Известно, что главный дом спроектировал начинающий тогда московский архитектор М.А. Дурнов (впоследствии - автор театра Ш. Омо