Museum-Estate of Alexei Tolstoy (Samara)



  • Музей-усадьба Алексея Толстого (Самара). Photo 1
  • Музей-усадьба Алексея Толстого (Самара). Photo 2
  • Музей-усадьба Алексея Толстого (Самара). Photo 3
  • Музей-усадьба Алексея Толстого (Самара). Photo 4


This amazing building on Frunze Street in Samara, which has stood since 1881-1882, has a rich history and is associated with outstanding personalities. Originally built by order of Staff Captain A.I. Werner, it later became the property of Alexei Apollonovich Bostrom, stepfather of Alexei Tolstoy.

The house itself, which consisted of two wooden houses and a stone outbuilding, was a manor with various rooms. The five-room apartments at the front of the building were rented out, while the Bostrom family occupied the second floor on the right. This place was especially significant for Alexei Tolstoy, who spent time here with his family and visited the city until 1906, after which he returned here only twice.

In 1983, thanks to the efforts of Margarita Pavlovna Limarova, the Alexei Tolstoy Museum was opened in this building. The museum's exhibition includes books, photographs, personal belongings of the writer's mother Alexandra Leontievna Bostrom, as well as the archives of Alexei Tolstoy himself, making the museum not only a place of memory, but also a center for the study of his work and life.


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