
  • Вечный огонь (Магнитогорск). Photo 1


The composition "Eternal Flame" in Magnitogorsk is an important symbol of the memory of fallen soldiers and heroic deeds during the war. For its manufacture, red-brown granite was used, similar to that which was used for cladding the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square. Granite blocks weighing about 26-27 tons each were transported from Karelia, the only deposit of this material, to Magnitogorsk by rail.

To carry out the granite processing work, prisoners from the YaV 48-18 institution were involved, who were engaged in sawing this hard material. The total weight of the Ural stone flower was about 68 tons, and its production took more than six months. Mechanical engineer Anatoly Ignatenko supervised the construction of the stone flower. To cut the red granite, he used a unique wire saw, which was his own invention. The first tests of this saw took place on the Sayan ridge, where it successfully sawed through mountain ranges, and in 2001 it was used to saw through the hull of the first compartment of the sunken nuclear-powered icebreaker "Kursk".


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