Interesting places #historical - Page 3

The Suzdal Kremlin is the oldest part of the city of Suzdal, which is its historical center. According to archaeologists, it has existed since the 10th century. Located in a bend of the Kamenka River, in the southern part of the city, in 2017 the Suzdal Kremlin was recognized as a cultural heritage site of federal significance under the name "Kreml

The Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa at Torg in Veliky Novgorod is a cross-domed building with one dome and three apses, two of which are located inside the temple. It was the patronal church of the merchants of ancient Novgorod and was dedicated to the Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, who was considered the patroness of the Novgorod merchants. The

The Gostiny Dvor arcade in Veliky Novgorod is a significant historical structure that embodies the architectural heritage of the city. Initially, Gostiny Dvor was built at the end of the 17th century and had a fortification function, representing a square with two towers. At the end of the 18th century, during reconstruction, the complex was depri

The Church of the Transfiguration on Kovalevo is an inactive Orthodox church located near Veliky Novgorod. It is the former cathedral of the Kovalev (Spassky) Monastery, one of the small suburban monasteries of Novgorod, founded on donations from the rich and noble people of the city. The temple was built by order of the boyar Ontsifor Zhabin in 13

The Penza Regional Art Gallery named after K. A. Savitsky is one of the most important cultural objects of the city of Penza and the entire region. Founded in 1892, it has become the largest and most famous museum in the Penza region. The museum began its history with a collection of paintings donated by the Penza governor N.D. Seliverstov. Initia

Lipetsk State Academic Drama Theater named after L.N. Tolstoy is an important cultural institution in the Lipetsk region. It was founded in 1921 and since then has occupied a significant place in the life of the city and region. The theater building was built on Red Square in 1968, after which the theater began to bear the name of the great Russia

The Orenburg Regional Drama Theater named after M. Gorky is one of the oldest theaters in Russia. It was founded in 1856 by entrepreneur Boris Klimovich Solovyov, who brought his troupe to the city of Orenburg. Despite the lack of financial support from the authorities, the professional theater's performances were shown for two seasons. The theate

The village of Tugustemir, located in the north of the Orenburg region, is proud of one of the most beautiful sights of the region - the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. This unique temple, with its special architectural style and amazing history, attracts many tourists and pilgrims, and can be seen from the first steps into the village.

Anapa lighthouse is a significant landmark of the city. Its history dates back to 1898, when the first temporary structure was laid - a wooden booth on trestles. This lighthouse served its function for almost 11 years until a quadrangular wooden tower was built in 1909 with the ability to illuminate up to 13 nautical miles. During the Great Patrio

The City of the Dead, also known as the Dargavs crypt burial ground, is a unique complex of above-ground and semi-underground crypts located in the village of Dargavs in North Ossetia. This complex, dating from the 14th–18th centuries, is the largest such structure in the North Caucasus. Consisting of 95 structures, it is made of large stones conn

This amazing building on Frunze Street in Samara, which has stood since 1881-1882, has a rich history and is associated with outstanding personalities. Originally built by order of Staff Captain A.I. Werner, it later became the property of Alexei Apollonovich Bostrom, stepfather of Alexei Tolstoy. The house itself, which consisted of two wooden ho

The history of the house, located at the intersection of Alexei Tolstoy and Pionerskaya streets in Samara, is shrouded in mystery and important events. Its architectural style, late modernism and use of heavy Northern Art Nouveau forms make it a notable and unique property. Built at the beginning of the 20th century for the wealthy grain merchant

The mansion of the titular councilor Neronov, built in 1840 according to the design of the architects N.G. Telitsyn. and Volkova L.A., is a significant cultural heritage site of federal significance in Samara. This house has retained its pre-revolutionary appearance and is one of the few buildings whose facade has remained unchanged since its const

In the historical center of Samara, on Alexey Tolstoy Street, there are a number of old mansions that testify to the rich history of this area. The street, formerly known as Dvoryanskaya, became famous for its luxurious residences built by Samara's noble families. It is interesting to note that the layout of the city in the past included a clear cl

Старинная постройка, одна из старейших в Оренбургской области - мост через небольшой ручей. Примерная дата постройки - вторая середина XIX века, во времена правления Екатерины II. Ближайший населенный пункт - село Татищево Переволоцкого района, расположенное в 3 км к югу от достопримечательности. Согласно легендам, по этому мосту предводитель восст

Памятник русской архитектуры XVIII века, расположенный в бывшем имении графов Шереметевых на территории современного Останкинского парка. Является наиболее близким к Кремлю усадебно-парковым комплексом. Ансамбль усадьбы сформировался при графе Николае Шереметеве на рубеже XVIII—XIX веков. Построенный в Останкине дворец-театр — единстве

В Молодом Туде (точнее, в той его части, что раньше была отдельным селом Васильевским) сохранился в неплохом состоянии двухэтажный дом помещиков Долгоруковых, построенный в первой половине 19 в. и несколько, возможно, перестроенный на рубеже веков новыми владельцами усадьбы - Ромейко. В эпоху, когда Молодой Туд являлось райцентром, тут размещался р

Прототип места дуэли Гринева и Швабрина у Белогорской крепости в произведении А. С. Пушкина "Капитанская дочка" "...На другой день в назначенное время я стоял уже за скирдами, ожидая моего противника. Вскоре и он явился. «Нас могут застать, – сказал он мне, – надобно поспешить». Мы сняли мундиры, остались в одних камзолах и обнажили шпаги. В эту ми

Генуэзская крепость на территории Балаклавы, пригорода Севастополя. В XV—XVIII вв. находилась под контролем Османской империи и именовалась Балаклава. Ансамбль крепостных сооружений расположен на вершине и склонах горы Крепостной (бывш. Кастрон). Ныне пребывает в состоянии руин и служит главной достопримечательностью города. К башне Барнабо Г

Places of interest: 61