The Kozmodemyansk Church on Yarunovaya Mountain in Suzdal is an important historical and architectural monument. Built in 1725 on the site of an ancient monastery, it combines stone architecture with elements of the wooden style characteristic of Suzdal churches. The main volume of the church, almost devoid of decorative elements, ends with a beau
Interesting places: Suzdalskiy rayon
The Intercession Monastery in Suzdal is an important historical and cultural site, which has preserved a lot of interesting information and legends. It was founded in 1364, but most of its existing buildings were built in the 16th century. According to legend, the monastery was a place of imprisonment for representatives of aristocratic families w
The house of merchant Agapov in Suzdal is a significant monument of architecture and cultural heritage of the region. Built at the end of the 18th century, this house is a typical example of merchant residential buildings of that time. Preserving its original appearance, it serves as historical evidence of the life and activities of Suzdal merchant
Vasilyevsky Monastery in Suzdal is a historically significant monastery that has existed since the 13th century. It is located on the eastern outskirts of the city and includes several significant buildings, such as St. Basil's Cathedral, Sretenskaya Refectory Church and a fence with a low Holy Gate. St. Basil the Great Cathedral was built in 1662
The Alexander Monastery in Suzdal, including its rich history and architectural ensembles, represents one of the significant cultural and religious heritage of Russia. Founded, according to legend, in 1240 by Alexander Nevsky, the monastery received estates from close relatives of Alexander Nevsky - Ivan Kalita and Ivan II. After the Tatar invasio
The Robe Deposition Monastery is a historically significant convent located in the center of the city of Suzdal. It is one of the few monasteries in Russia that were founded before the Mongol invasion and have an ancient history. The existing ensemble of buildings of the monastery was formed mainly in the 16th-17th centuries, but the buildings in t
The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, or the Nativity Church, is a winter church located in the Kozhevennaya Sloboda city of Suzdal on the right bank of the Kamenka River. Built in 1739, it was supplemented with a bell tower with a concave tent in 1740, forming an architectural ensemble with the summer Church of the Epiphany, erected in 1
The Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life in Suzdal is a unique open-air museum complex, which is a stylized rural street with wooden buildings of the 18th-19th centuries, brought from various parts of the Vladimir region. The creation of the museum was initiated by the executive committee of the Council of People's Deputies of the Vladimi
The Bishops' Chambers is a unique complex of ancient Russian civil architecture, located on the territory of the Suzdal Kremlin and under the management of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. At the end of the 17th century, on the site of the ancient courtyard of the Suzdal spiritual rulers, next to the 13th century Nativity Cathedral, a majestic e
The Assumption Church, also known as the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Prince's Court, is an Orthodox church in the city of Suzdal, located in the Vladimir region of Russia. It is located in the eastern part of the Suzdal Kremlin and is part of the Vladimir diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Probably built in the 17
The Suzdal Kremlin is the oldest part of the city of Suzdal, which is its historical center. According to archaeologists, it has existed since the 10th century. Located in a bend of the Kamenka River, in the southern part of the city, in 2017 the Suzdal Kremlin was recognized as a cultural heritage site of federal significance under the name "Kreml
Кирпичный тёплый храм при Борисоглебской церкви, сооруженный в 1780 г., как зимняя "в пару" к церкви Бориса и Глеба. Одноглавая церковь под двускатной кровлей с небольшой трапезной. В 1992 возвращен верующим, но до 2002 принадлежал общине РПАЦ. Церковь Святого архидиакона Стефания расположена недалеко от города Суздаль, в селе Кидекша и
Один из древнейших памятников белокаменного зодчества домонгольской Руси, наиболее ранняя белокаменная постройка Северо-восточной Руси, наряду со Спасо-Преображенским собором в Переславле Залесском. Построена в правление Юрия Долгорукого и обычно датируется 1152 годом. Церковь Бориса и Глеба в Кидекше Превращена в музей. В Кидекше сохранились оста
Считается самым "старшим" из памятников в городе Суздаль. Памятник великому деятелю Д.М. Пожарскому был установлен в 1955 году. Памятник был установлен у стен Спасо-Евфимиева монастыря, в сквере, а не на месте, где похоронен Д.М. Пожарский, поскольку в то время на территории монастыря размещалось закрытое детское учреждение. Бронзовый бюст, изготов