House of Agapov merchants (Suzdal)

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  • Дом купцов Агаповых (Суздаль). Photo 1
  • Дом купцов Агаповых (Суздаль). Photo 2
  • Дом купцов Агаповых (Суздаль). Photo 3
  • Дом купцов Агаповых (Суздаль). Photo 4


The house of merchant Agapov in Suzdal is a significant monument of architecture and cultural heritage of the region. Built at the end of the 18th century, this house is a typical example of merchant residential buildings of that time. Preserving its original appearance, it serves as historical evidence of the life and activities of Suzdal merchants.

The Agapov merchants were representatives of the local merchant class, engaged in various types of trade, including textiles and "colonial" goods such as tea, coffee and spices. Their house consisted of a stone lower floor where the blacksmith shop was located, and a wooden upper floor where the living quarters were located.

The building witnessed historical events: at the beginning of the 20th century, an underground printing house of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party was temporarily located on the ground floor, and in 1912 a steam mill was installed in the house. The last owner of the house was Yakov Ivanovich Agapov, whose family went through difficult times at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the 1970s, the house was given the status of a historical monument, and since then restoration work has been carried out to preserve its original appearance. Today, the exhibition “Suzdal Merchants. Portrait in the Interior” is located here, telling about the life and everyday life of a merchant family of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

The house of the merchant Agapov is not only a historical site, but also the center of the cultural life of the city. Various events, exhibitions and excursions are held here, allowing guests of Suzdal to plunge into the atmosphere of the past and learn more about the life and traditions of the local merchants.


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