Interesting places: gorodskoy okrug Orenburg - Page 4

The monument to a female janitor, unveiled in Orenburg on May 30, 2014, is one of the symbols of recognition and respect for the work of municipal employees. The height of the figure is 1 meter 70 centimeters, it is made of fiberglass and painted bronze. The figure depicts a female janitor with a broom in her hands, and next to her is a cat, symbol

The Fire Museum in Orenburg is one of the most attractive museums in the city. Its history began with the opening of a fire-technical exhibition in 1974. The exhibition was originally housed in a three-story building, which later did not meet the requirements for a museum display. Therefore, in the 1980s, a new building was added, in the constructi

The Museum "Afghan War and Military Glory" in Orenburg, opened on February 1, 2001, is an important cultural site dedicated to the events in Afghanistan and the memory of soldiers. This museum has become popular among schoolchildren and students, as its main goal is to develop a sense of patriotism and preserve military traditions. The museum's ex

The monument to Yuri Gagarin in Orenburg was erected on Yuri Gagarin Avenue in 1961, shortly after his historic flight into space. This idea is associated with Gagarin’s training at the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School named after I. S. Polbin in 1955-1957. The monument, created by sculptor Yu. L. Chernov and architects G. G. Isakovich and

Church of the Holy Trinity, located on the territory of the hospital named after N.I. Pirogov in Orenburg, is a striking example of the architectural and spiritual heritage of this region. Construction began in 2009 and was completed two years later, the temple quickly became the center of the religious and cultural life of the surrounding resident

The history of the Orenburg Regional State Philharmonic goes back to 1943, when in the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg) the concert and variety bureau was transformed into the Chkalov State Philharmonic. This decision was made in order to improve concert activities. At that time, the evacuated Leningrad Academic Maly Opera and Ballet Theater named af

At the end of the summer of 1998, in the center of Orenburg, at the intersection of Krasnoznamenaya and Sovetskaya streets, a new monument was unveiled, dedicated to the visit of the poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and lexicographer Vladimir Ivanovich Dal to Orenburg. This event took place on the anniversary of the 200th anniversary of the birth

The Transural Grove Monument is a memorial dedicated to the victims of political repression in the 20th century, located in the southern part of the city of Orenburg, Russia. Opened on July 11, 1993, it is a small mound made of granite stones with an Orthodox cross installed on top. There is a memorial plaque on the monument with the inscription:

On the left bank of the Ural River, in the territory of the city of Orenburg, there is the first sign marking the border between Europe and Asia on the territory of Russia. This obelisk, installed in 1981, is a square column about 15 meters high, topped with a stainless alloy ball, and was created according to the design of the architect Gennady Iv

The monument dedicated to the Orenburg Cossacks occupies a place of honor at the intersection of Chkalov and Stepan Razin streets, not far from the St. Nicholas Cathedral. This strategic location gives the monument additional significance for the Cossacks, as well as for all residents of the city of Orenburg. The authors of the sculptural composit

The project for the construction of the former Assembly of the Nobility was created by academician of architecture A.P. Bryullov, brother of the famous artist Karl Bryullov. General I.F. Blaramberg, who arrived in Orenburg in the year the construction of the building was completed, expresses his opinion about its authorship. The description of the

In the center of Orenburg, on Sovetskaya Street, next to the Orenburg Drama Theater named after M. Gorky, there is a unique monument - a working model of the first water column. This monument to the Orenburg water supply system not only has artistic and historical value, but is also a functional object: it is a working water stand that can be used

On June 1, 2012, in the square of Orenburg School No. 3 on Sovetskaya Street, a monument to the first teacher was unveiled. This sculptural group, created by sculptor Sergey Solomakha, consists of five figures. In the center stands a young teacher in a light dress, surrounded by four children - two boys and two girls. The children's gaze is directe

The sculpture of Valery Chkalov is located on Naberezhnaya Street on the left bank of the Ural River in the city of Orenburg. Orenburg bore the name of this legendary aviator for 20 years (since 1938). This bronze monument, installed on a tall pedestal seven meters high, is clearly visible from Sovetskaya Street. The sculptor depicted Chkalov afte

The brick church towering in the village of Gorodishche in the Orenburg region is a historical sanctuary with roots dating back to the 19th century. Its construction was initiated by local residents, who in 1836 appealed to the governor to permit the erection of a new church. Despite the first two wooden structures being destroyed by fire, the comm

In anticipation of the 70th anniversary (2015) of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Orenburg, at the intersection of Rodimtsev Street and Victory Avenue, a military helmet two meters high with a nearby scarlet carnation was installed. This monument was erected as a token of gratitude to the soldiers who fought for peace over their heads. The f

The Orenburg Assumption Convent is a historical Orthodox convent located in the city of Orenburg. It was founded in 1872 and closed in 1923, but was reestablished in 2013. The full name of the convent is the Orenburg Holy Assumption Women's Monastery of the Orenburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). The history of the

In the 16th century, the Muscovite Tsardom began establishing contacts with the states of Central Asia. Since then, embassies were sent with the aim of opening Asian markets for Russian merchants. The Petrine era greatly intensified Russia's expansion to the East, and the name of Peter the Great is associated with the emergence of the first scienti

House No. 1 on Sovetskaya Street in Orenburg, known as the “Gagarin’s entrance”, has a rich history associated with military institutions. In 1882, this building was built specifically for the second Orenburg cadet corps. At different periods, various military headquarters and educational institutions were located here, including the school of red

The House of Memory in Orenburg was ceremoniously laid on June 22, 2000, by the Mayor G.P. Donkovtsev and the Honorary Citizen of the city Yu.D. Garankin. The opening of this building took place on August 15, 2003. Located on Victory Avenue, it serves as an extension of the Eternal Flame memorial. The Memory Chapel has the form of a chapel and was

The monument "Scholarly Cat" in Orenburg, installed under an old oak tree opposite the Gorky Regional Drama Theater, has its own interesting history and has become a popular spot among locals and tourists. According to legend, in 1833, the great poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin rested on a bench under this oak during his visit to Orenburg. In ho

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