Interesting places: Waterfall

The Kuperlya Waterfall and the natural karst bridge are among the most breathtaking attractions of Bashkiria, attracting millions of tourists every year. The waterfall is located in the Bashkiria National Park, upstream of the Nugush River. It consists of several cascades and steps, and the highest part is about 15 meters high. In the spring, the

Неподалеку от посёлка Бердянка на одноименной реке находится степной Сусанинский водопад проходящий через нагроможденные глыбы камней.

Agurskiye Waterfalls are one of the natural attractions of Sochi, popular among tourists. They are located in the Khostinsky district of the city, 13 kilometers from the center of Sochi, on the way to the top of Mount Akhun. It is easy to find the waterfalls thanks to the signs at the beginning of the mountain serpentine leading to the top. Pa

Kargalinsky Waterfall, located on the Srednyaya Kargalka River near Orenburg, is a unique natural phenomenon for a flat area. This waterfall is formed when the river flows through the steppe and tears out rapids from the red sandstone, creating an impressive sight. Time of visit The waterfalls are most full-flowing and impressive in spring o

The Maiden Braids waterfall, also known as Chiranbashi-Suu, is in the TOP 20 most beautiful waterfalls in Russia and is one of the natural attractions of the Elbrus National Park. It is located at an altitude of about 2800 meters above sea level and originates on the southern slopes of the Terskol peak, receiving water from the melting Gara-Bashi g

Terskol waterfall is located in the gorge of the same name in the Elbrus region in Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia. Its vertical part is a regular rectangular shape, 20 meters high and 12 meters wide. Rhododendrons located on one of the banks of the waterfall decorate it with their blooms in early summer. To visit the waterfall, there is a walking rout

Teribersky Falls, flowing into the Barents Sea, is one of the most outstanding natural attractions in the area. It originates in the Small Batarei Lake and forms a small stream that falls from a great height, forming a stunning waterfall. Depending on the level of filling of the lake, the power of the waterfall can vary from stormy and full-flowing

The Batareisky waterfall, flowing into the Barents Sea, is one of the most wonderful natural attractions of Teriberka. Originating from Maly Batareiskoe Lake, it is a four-stage waterfall surrounded by harsh Arctic nature. In spring and summer, the waterfall is a powerful and stormy phenomenon when there is a lot of water in the lake, but in autum

Малый Суфуджийский водопад - нижний из каскада Суфуджийских водопадов. Большой полноводен только весной. Тропа до водопадов крутая и местами сложная. По пути можно взглянуть на водопад Чертова Мельница.

Чучхурские водопады - каскад водопадов в ущелье Домбай-Ульген. К подножью водопадов ведет грунтовая дорога, но на машине проехать не удастся, тк это уже погранзона. Внизу надо оформлять пропуск на посещение (в избушке у лесника). Тропа вдоль самих водопадов очень крутая.

Водопад Шумка - невысокий, но красивый водопад , расположенный недалеко от трассы. К нему ведет крутая каменистая тропа. за проход надо заплатить экологический сбор - в будке сидит лесник.

Sultan Waterfall is one of the most impressive and spectacular waterfalls in the northern Elbrus region. It is located at the tops of the Malki River, on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria, just a few kilometers from the ice fields of Mount Elbrus. The source of the Malki River is located at the famous Ullu-Chiran glacier. Flowing between rocky s

Самый крупный из водопадов, расположенных на территории Башкортостана. Водопад образует один из притоков реки Худолаз, из-за этого его иногда так и называют. Помимо названия от реки Худолаз, водопад Гадельша так же называют Ибрагимовским или Туялас (башк. - "единый поток"). Свое официальное название водопад получил из-за расположенной рядом одноиме

Небольшой водопад, образованный стекающим горным ручьем с хребта Крыктытау, проходящим через нагроможденные глыбы камней - череду каскадов (ступеней). Водопад Могак расположен в Абзелиловском районе на юго-востоке Республики Башкортостан. Во время весеннего половодья речка Могак разливается, превращая небольшой водопад в мощный горный поток. Посеща

Окрестности Колвицы — настоящий кладезь природных красот и достопримечательностей. Колвицкий залив (губа) протянулся на 7 километров, в него впадает бурная широкая река Колвица, вытекающая из Колвицкого озера. Вдоль левого берега реки тянется эколого-краеведческая тропа. Совсем близко к селу, в 600 метров от моста, расположен знаменитый Колви

Atysh Waterfall in the Republic of Bashkortostan, also known as the outlet of the underground river Atysh Grotto, is one of the unique natural phenomena of the Southern Urals. This waterfall was formed from a grotto, which is also known as the Atysh Cave, located in the Yash-Kuz-Tash mountain. Inside the Atysh grotto, water flows out of an incline

Shumilovsky Waterfall is one of the unique natural attractions of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Despite its small size, it attracts the attention of thousands of tourists every year. Located in the Tuymazinsky district on the territory of the Bugulminsko-Belebeevskaya Upland, not far from the city of Oktyabrsky and the village of Nizhnetroitsky.

Chekhov Falls, also known as Usak-Kichu, is a unique natural place that attracts the attention of travelers with its beauty and atmosphere. Located in the Bizhbulyak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The trip to the waterfall begins with a road passing through picturesque places and villages surrounded by mountains and meadows. The route

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