Interesting places: Mountain - Page 3

Природная достопримечательность - обнажение скальных пород, протянувшихся на несколько десятков метров. Памятник природы регионального значения расположен в Кувандыкском районе в двух километрах южнее от урочища Ишаново. Каменные ворота занесены в список охраняемых природных объектов Оренбургской области в 1996 году как геологический и геоморфологи

Хризолитовая скала, расположенная в Карагай-Губерлинском ущелье Кувандыкского района. По своей форме напоминает черепаху, поэтому и получила такое название. Своей причудливой форме скала обязана ветряной эрозии - многие столетия ветер и осадки воздействуют на скальные породы, придавая им необычные формы, напоминающие различных зверей и птиц. Многи

Скалы, расположенные на северном склоне хребта Караташ. Их еще называют Орлиными скалами или Айгирскими (от названия железнодорожной станции, находящейся у подножия). Очень живописное место, любимое туристами. Здесь красиво в любое время года, но особенно впечатляет ранняя осень, когда из-за приличной разницы дневных и ночных температур от протека

Куштау— шихан, гора-одиночка в Ишимбайском районе Башкортостана, находящаяся в 18 км к востоку от города Стерлитамака и в 140 км к югу от города Уфы и включённая в Список геологического наследия всемирного значения «GEOSITES». Один из цепочки некогда четырёх шиханов в окрестностях Стерлитамака наряду с Торатау, Юрактау и нын

Геологическая достопримечательность Кваркенского района Оренбургской области, ботанический памятник природы. Представляет собой скальные образования высотой до 30 метров, состоящие в основном из известняковых пород. Материал скал очень податливый, со временем здесь образовались многочисленные воронки, в которых собирается и по долгу остается дождев

Kruglitsa is a mountain that is the highest point of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge and the entire Taganay mountain range. With its height of 1178 meters, it attracts tourists and travelers with its beauty and unique natural features. The name of the mountain comes from its characteristic round shape, as well as its resemblance to a Turkic headdress, w

Responsive Ridge is one of the peaks of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge, 1155 meters high. Located in the Taganay National Park, this ridge is located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Zlatoust and is a unique natural monument. The ridge consists of several steep cliffs, up to 100 meters high, and has a characteristic ridge-like outline. Its name c

The two-headed hill, one of the most popular peaks of the Taganay Range among tourists, attracts many visitors at any time of the year. Its northern peak reaches a height of 1041 meters and is an arched ridge that extends in a southeast direction. The slopes of the hill are covered with stone screes, and the peak itself consists of terraces, rock w

The Zaozerny Range is a mountain range located in the Chelyabinsk region in the Southern Urals. Its name comes from its location beyond Lake Turgoyak. The ridge includes Varganova Mountain and extends between the Ilmen Mountains and the Uraltau Range. The highest height of the ridge is reached on Zaozernaya Mountain, which reaches a height of 683

Mount Krutoy Klyuch, located in the Southern Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, is a peak with a pronounced rocky peak. Its height is 782 meters above sea level, and it is located at the southern tip of the Small Ural Range. The wide and majestic rocky ridge of the mountain stretches for about 2 kilometers. The highest point of the Small Ural Range

Dragon's Wings is an amazing place with an unusual rock that resembles a dragon's head. Located in the vicinity of the village of Slyudorudnik near the city of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region, this rock attracts many people with its mysterious shape and legendary history. According to one of the legends, here, near the Kyshtym plant on Tyopla Go

The Devil's Tooth Rock is a majestic stone outcrop, distinguished by its unusual shape, reminiscent of the devil's teeth. Located in the vicinity of the village of Slyudorudnik in the Chelyabinsk region, this rock massif is also called Devil’s Settlement. Its height reaches about 25 meters, and its length is about 100 meters. You can approach the

The Devil's Settlement is a mountain with a rock mass of the same name at the top, located in the northwestern part of the municipality of the Kyshtym urban district of the Chelyabinsk region of Russia. The rocks at the top are granite outcrops with weathering patterns and a complex of rock flora. It is a geomorphological, botanical and archaeologi

Гора Егоза, расположенная на юге Среднего Урала, высотой 607,7 метров, представляет собой прекрасное место для активного отдыха в любое время года. На ее склонах проходит горнолыжный центр "Гора Егоза", привлекающий любителей зимнего спорта. Название "Егоза" происходит от башкирского топонима и означает "вход в межгорье" или "горловина межгорья",

The Carmen Massif is a hilly area whose shape resembles a sleeping monster. It is located in the southern part of the Burtinskaya Steppe site and has various types of vegetation, including rocky, shrubby, meadow and steppe areas. Mount Carmen is part of a cuesta-shaped ridge with a sloping slope in the southwest and a steep steep slope in the sout

Susaktau (or Susak-tau, Susak) is a mountain in the Alsheevsky district of Bashkortostan, located next to the village of Churaevo. It has been a natural monument since its recognition in 2005. This mountain has a pointed shape and belongs to the remnants. On its slopes you can find a complex of sandy steppes with many rare plant species, including

Mount Satyrtau, located in the Alsheevsky district of Bashkortostan near the village of Kipchak-Askarovo, is a unique natural formation. It is a natural monument and has a characteristic peak that resembles a tent, which determined its name. A variety of plants grow on the slopes of the mountain, including those listed in the Red Book, and the Dema

Mount Badger, one of the peaks of the Sokoli Mountains, attracts the attention of tourists and outdoor enthusiasts in Samara. Located almost within the city limits, it is famous for its tourist camp located near the peak, where climbers and simply nature lovers often come to relax. On a rocky cliff under the mountain there is a climbing wall "Bard

The high rock outcrop known as the Hanging Stone is one of the main attractions of the city of Ufa. It is located on the slope of the Belaya River and offers panoramic views of the river floodplain and its surroundings. This educational rock formation is a natural monument of nature, attracting tourists and city residents with its beauty and uniqu

The "Head" rock is a unique natural formation located in the suburbs of the city of Ufa. Its unusual shape and location in a forest area make it one of the region's attractions. The rock is located in close proximity to both the City Council and the geographical center of Ufa, which makes it accessible to visitors. Despite its attractiveness, Head

Antonova Rock is a majestic sheer cliff located on the territory of the Bashkiria National Park, 2 km from the village of Kutanovo, Burzyansky district, along the left bank of the Agidel River. This place is a popular holiday destination for both locals and tourists. A campsite called “Antonova Rock” is organized on the rock, where three types of

Places of interest: 111