Interesting places: Samara Region - Page 5

Koptev Ravine, located in the Sokoli Mountains on the left bank of the Volga, attracts the attention of historians and adventure lovers with its rich history and unique flora and fauna. The name "Koptev" probably comes from the word "soot", indicating a supposed activity related to the production of resin or tar. According to legend, in the 19th c

Bald Mountain in Samara is a popular natural attraction on the northern outskirts of the city, located on the left bank of the Volga. This elevation is part of the Falcon Mountains mountain system and offers magnificent panoramic views of the river, surrounding forests and cityscape at any time of the year. Bald Mountain got its name because of th

The monument "Rotman Tower" or "Stove" represents the ruins of the first plant in the history of Samara for the production of sand-lime brick. It was founded in the 1900s by the “Russian” German Rothman. However, the plant did not last long due to the monopoly position of competitors, which hindered Rotman's success. Unable to cope with the repayme

In the center of the protected Buzuluksky Bor there is a children's health camp "Pobeda". Penetrating through the dense thickets of the forest, you hardly expect to stumble upon traces of civilization. However, the forest suddenly gives way, and a real pioneer camp opens up before you. But there is one “but” - this camp is abandoned and no one need

The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 2006 in an unusual Siberian style for the Samara region, is a unique architectural creation. This parish was entirely made of wood, which makes it special among other churches in the area. In the village of Petra-Dubrava, craftsmen from the western part of Russia began building this te

The wooden church in honor of Michael the Archangel in the village of Pavlovka, Samara region, is a historical landmark with a rich history. Built about 150 years ago, it served as a spiritual center for the local population. However, over time, during the troubled period of the 1930-1940s for the Russian Orthodox Church, the temple began to suffer

This amazing building on Frunze Street in Samara, which has stood since 1881-1882, has a rich history and is associated with outstanding personalities. Originally built by order of Staff Captain A.I. Werner, it later became the property of Alexei Apollonovich Bostrom, stepfather of Alexei Tolstoy. The house itself, which consisted of two wooden ho

The history of the house, located at the intersection of Alexei Tolstoy and Pionerskaya streets in Samara, is shrouded in mystery and important events. Its architectural style, late modernism and use of heavy Northern Art Nouveau forms make it a notable and unique property. Built at the beginning of the 20th century for the wealthy grain merchant

The mansion of the titular councilor Neronov, built in 1840 according to the design of the architects N.G. Telitsyn. and Volkova L.A., is a significant cultural heritage site of federal significance in Samara. This house has retained its pre-revolutionary appearance and is one of the few buildings whose facade has remained unchanged since its const

The Samara Cathedral in honor of the Holy Ascension of Christ, located on Stepan Razin Street (formerly Voznesenskaya), is the most ancient of all Orthodox temples and churches preserved in Samara. It serves as a permanent meeting place for parishioners and pilgrims, and also hosts various charitable and spiritual activities, including the operatio

In the historical center of Samara, on Alexey Tolstoy Street, there are a number of old mansions that testify to the rich history of this area. The street, formerly known as Dvoryanskaya, became famous for its luxurious residences built by Samara's noble families. It is interesting to note that the layout of the city in the past included a clear cl

The chapel of St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, is a significant object of the Samara diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate. First erected between 1888 and 1890 according to the design of the famous architect A.A. Shcherbachev, it was destroyed in the 1930s. However, in 1998, the chapel was restored according to the design of A.S. Melentyev and recei

The Church of St. George, also known as the Samara Church, is an Evangelical Lutheran church located in the city of Samara. The community of this church is part of the Samara bishopric of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the European Part of Russia. The construction of the church was initiated by the Russian merchant Yegor Nikitich Annaev in 1854

In the city of Samara, in addition to extensive parks and squares, there are also small corners of greenery, such as the Three Elms public garden, located on Kuibysheva Street. It is familiar to local residents thanks to an interesting sculptural composition dedicated to the good soldier Schweik. This composition was created by Alexander and Nikola

The Samara Choral Synagogue, located in the center of Samara near Leningradskaya Street, also known as Samara Arbat, has its own history dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. Over time, the Jewish population in the city increased significantly, and in 1903 a meeting of believers decided to build a new large synagogue that could accommod

A memorial stele dedicated to Vladimir Vysotsky was installed in the city park named after Vysotsky in Samara, at the intersection of Galaktionovskaya, Leningradskaya, Samara and Vysotsky streets. This monument to the famous author and musician was erected on July 23, 2000. Samara artist Alexander Temnikov created the composition, and the sculptor

An Orthodox convent located in the city of Samara, which is part of the Samara and Togliatti diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. The history of the monastery dates back to 1850, when a women's religious community was founded in Samara. In 1855 it received imperial approval, and by 1860 it was converted into a monastery. By the beginning of the

The estate of Alfred F. von Vacano on Rabochaya Street in Samara is truly one of the significant architectural sites of the city. Built in the German Art Nouveau style, this house is a fine example of early 20th century architecture. The preserved exterior decoration and decorative elements inside the building give it a special charm and make it a

The Samara Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gorky is one of the oldest drama theaters in Russia and represents a significant part of the cultural heritage of the city of Samara. Its history goes back more than one and a half centuries. The theater was founded in 1851, when Samara was given the status of a provincial city. At the beginning of

The monument to Comrade Sukhov, based on the main character of the film "White Sun of the Desert", is a prominent landmark on the Volga embankment in the city of Samara. This is a monument dedicated to the Red Army soldier Fyodor Ivanovich Sukhov, and is located between Nekrasovsky and Leningradsky descents. The location was not chosen by chance, g

On Volzhsky Avenue in the city of Samara, there is a hidden gem that has remained unknown to many residents and visitors for years – one of the oldest fountains. This fountain, located within the premises of the Samara State District Power Plant (SGRES), was inaccessible to the public until recently. However, in honor of the 110th anniversary of th

Places of interest: 128