Interesting places: Republic of Bashkortostan - Page 2

The territory of the former military unit No. 12764, located under Mount Yamantau, arouses interest and controversy among researchers and the public. The military personnel who served in this unit were not completely clear about its purpose. The main task was to ensure the safety of the mines and adits into which workers descended every day. Howev

At the top of the mysterious Mount Yamantau there are the ruins of a geological station, which are a kind of evidence of the activities of geologists and the military in this place. Despite its importance, the station has now become a caravan of machinery and equipment left here after the completion of work. Debris from the drilling rig, pieces of

Mount Yamantau, whose name comes from the Bashkir "Yaman tau" - "bad (evil) mountain", is the highest point of the Southern Urals. It is located in the Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan and is part of the South Ural Nature Reserve. The mountain has a height of 1640.4 meters above sea level and is surrounded by no less interestin

Lake Talkas, majestically located on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains in Bashkortostan, is a unique natural formation that captivates with its bizarre beauty and unique character. This is a freshwater lake of tectonic origin, comfortably located in a narrow intermountain depression on the western slope of the Irendyk ridge, in close proximi

The Ai fountain, also known as the Elanlinsky, Laklinsky or simply Aisky, is an amazing natural wonder that attracts tourists with its beauty and unusual capabilities. This fountain was created thanks to an artesian spring that was accidentally discovered during the search for bauxite in 1981. The source became known thanks to the efforts of Vladi

Самый крупный из водопадов, расположенных на территории Башкортостана. Водопад образует один из притоков реки Худолаз, из-за этого его иногда так и называют. Помимо названия от реки Худолаз, водопад Гадельша так же называют Ибрагимовским или Туялас (башк. - "единый поток"). Свое официальное название водопад получил из-за расположенной рядом одноиме

Небольшой водопад, образованный стекающим горным ручьем с хребта Крыктытау, проходящим через нагроможденные глыбы камней - череду каскадов (ступеней). Водопад Могак расположен в Абзелиловском районе на юго-востоке Республики Башкортостан. Во время весеннего половодья речка Могак разливается, превращая небольшой водопад в мощный горный поток. Посеща

Голубое озеро, расположенное в Карамскалинском районе Республики Башкортостан, является уникальным природным объектом, привлекающим внимание своей прозрачной водой и светло-синим оттенком. Озеро имеет неправильную круглую форму и занимает площадь 400 квадратных метров. Его наибольшее расстояние от берега до берега составляет 25 метров, а глубина до

Arvyakryaz (also known as Arvyak-Ryaz) is a mountain located in the Southern Urals, in the Beloretsky region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is the highest peak of the Uraltau ridge, reaching a height of 1068 meters. The mountain is located 20 km south of Beloretsk and has acquired the status of a regional natural monument. The name of the mo

Mount Vishennaya, one of the remarkable landmarks of the Ural Mountains, is a place of stunning beauty and natural splendor. Rising to a height of 836 meters, it is located in the Republic of Bashkortostan, near the city of Beloretsk and the village of Lomovka. The summit of the mountain is distinguished by a sharp rocky peak that exposes the moun

Toratau, or Toratau (Bashkir: Toratau - "fortress-mountain"), also known as Shikhan, is a shihan, a lone mountain in the Ishimbay region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. He is the symbol of the city of Ishimbay and the Ishimbay region, depicted on their coats of arms and flags. Toratau is also recognized as an archaeological and natural monument a

Одна из самых высоких вершин горного хребта Крыктытау ("перерубленная гора", "множество вершин" - башкир.). Вершина Шершил-Тау расположена в Республике Башкортостан. Горный хребет Крыктытау протянулся на расстояние почти 60 километров вдоль реки Большой Кизил. Гора Шершил-Тау имеет высоту 1108,7 метров над уровнем моря, считается второй по высоте п

The abandoned and deserted mines of the Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant are an intriguing artifact of the industrial history of the region. They stand as silent witnesses to the once-thriving activity that took place here, now serving as a monument to times gone by. Despite the scarcity of information about them, their existence and location may sti

Karlaman Cave, located at the foot of the gypsum rock Ulu-Tau ("Great Mountain" in Bashkir), is a unique natural formation in the Karmaskalinsky region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It was formed at the site of tectonic faults in the earth's crust, which gives it a special atmosphere and interesting structure. The description of the cave inclu

The mausoleum of Hussein Beg is one of the few surviving medieval structures that have the status of a Muslim shrine, along with the mausoleums of Tura Khan and Kesene. This is the burial place of the first imam, who preached Islam among the Bashkir population. The grave is located on the territory of the Akzirat cemetery, one of the oldest Muslim

Salavat Yulaev's cave is located in the Kalim-uskan rock in the Ishimbay region of Bashkortostan. This three-level cave has an entrance approximately 9 meters above the level of the Sikasia River bed. It is known for its open spaces and specific features. A speleological attraction and natural monument since 1985, the Salavat Yulaev Cave attracts

Водохранилище на реке Белой, находящееся в Республике Башкортостан в Кугарчинском районе. Юмагузинское водохранилище было спроектировано в 1998 году и к 2004 году уже было частично заполнено водой благодаря построенной Юмагузинской ГЭС. В настоящее время площадь Юмагузинского водохранилища составляет 34,6 квадратных километров. Координаты и местопо

A small open vertical cave is located on the left bank of the Belaya River, within approximately 1 km from the Taraval griffin. The cave is a large ravine in the rock, the vertical course of which has an angle of 34 to approximately 75 degrees. It is through, with one entrance located at a height of about 4 meters from the river, and a second entra

The Skazka Cave, a natural formation, is located in the Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the floodplain of the Belaya River. A well-trodden path about 600 meters long, starting from the river bank, leads to it. Near the entrance to the cave you can see two crooked pine trees, which serve as a good landmark for tourists. The

The Sufiya Mosque (Tatar: "Sufiya" mәchete, Bashkir: "Sufiya" mәsete), also known as the Kantyukovskaya Mosque, is located in the Tatar village of Kantyukovka, located in the Sterlitamak region of Bashkortostan. It is considered one of the most beautiful mosques in the republic. The mosque project, developed by chief architect Aivar Sattarov, is b

Khauaze (Bashkir: Һәүәҙе) is a mountain in the Ishimbay region of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, which is a tourist attraction. It is located next to Makarovo, near the Makarovo - Kulgunino road (section P316). Within 1-3 km from the mountain there are other tourist attractions, such as the Salavat Yulaev cave, the Kalim-uskan rock, the places

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