Interesting places - Page 19

Ilmen Lake, also known as Ilmen or Imenkul, is located in the Southern Urals near the southern tip of the Ilmen Range, in the territory of the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region. The lake has a shape close to an oval, extending in the northwest and southeast directions. Its area is about 4.76 square kilometers and its maximum depth reaches 6.1 meter

The Taiginsky quarry in the Chelyabinsk region is the largest in the region and produces graphite, which is in demand in various industries for its unique properties. Graphite, consisting of pure carbon, has high refractoriness, fire resistance and ductility, which makes it a necessary material in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, electronics, as

Turgoyaksky quarry is an enterprise specializing in the extraction of fluxing limestone, which is located in the Chelyabinsk region. Beginning in 1920, the Turgoyak mining department of the Uralruda trust began developing a deposit of fluxing limestone in order to obtain construction lime. Since 1930, limestone began to be mined as a high-quality f

Каменная река Курум - большая каменная россыпь, одно из удивительных природных явлений гор Урала. Представляет собой нагромождение огромных каменных глыб весом от сотен до тысяч килограмм каждая. Образовалась данная река в результате разрушение гор. Камни с течением времени постепенно сползали вниз по горным склонам и образовали россыпь в виде каме

Azapkina Polyana is located in a picturesque corner of nature and serves as a wonderful place to relax for both local residents and visiting tourists. Various tourist events and gatherings are often organized here, attracting lovers of outdoor activities and nature. Thanks to the convenient approach to the Belaya River, Azapkina Polyana becomes an

Shikhan Yuraktau, also known as “heart-mountain” in translation from the Bashkir language, is a unique natural formation in the Sterlitamak region of Bashkortostan. This lone mountain was recognized as a natural monument in 1985. It is a remnant of the Lower Permian reef massif, which formed more than 230 million years ago in a tropical sea. Yurak

The Sukhaya Atya Cave is a unique natural object in the Chelyabinsk region. Its name comes from the river on which it is located, which is called “Sukhaya Atya”. This term is translated from Bashkir as “horse river”, reflecting the importance of horse breeding for the local population. Sukhaya Atya Cave is known for its karst landscape, which incl

Mount Ayu-Dag, located on the southern coast of Crimea, is a unique natural site with a rich history and diverse biodiversity. Rising 570.8 meters above sea level, it is a mountain range, slightly elongated in the northwest direction, with a protrusion into the sea of 2-2.5 kilometers. Mount Ayu-Dag was formed about 150 million years ago as a resu

Monument to V.G. Belinsky, opened on July 10, 1954, is located in the park opposite the regional drama theater named after A.M. Lunacharsky. The monument represents a bronze figure of V.G. Belinsky on a tetrahedral three-part pedestal, lined with gray granite. The figure of Belinsky is depicted in full height with a raised hand, symbolizing the beg

Bogolyubsky Cathedral in the city of Michurinsk, Tambov region is the cathedral of the Michurinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and an architectural monument of federal significance. In the middle of the 19th century, when the city of Michurinsk was engulfed in a cholera epidemic, residents decided to hold a religious procession around th

Памятник древнего наскального искусства, ориентировочно эпохи позднего неолита до IV века до н.э. Достопримечательность расположена недалеко от берега реки Лена Иркутской области. Ближайший населенный пункт - поселок Качуг. Памятник представляет собой комплекс наскальных живописей древнего человека, насчитывающий более трех тысяч рисунков. Протяжен

OJSC "OZTP-Sarmat" is an Orsk tractor trailer plant, founded in 1969 with the aim of producing heavy-duty trailers and semi-trailers for tractors. In the early 1980s, the plant, by order of the Ministry of Defense, mastered the production of ZIL-135 automobile chassis, but only the beginning of this process is known. In 1995, the plant received d

An unfinished five-story building in the city of Orsk is of interest to local residents and extreme sports enthusiasts. There are different versions regarding its intended purpose: according to one information, it was supposed to be a preventive sanatorium, according to another, a restaurant complex. A large parking space located on its territory h

The Jau-Tepe hill is a mud volcano located on the territory of the Kerch Peninsula. This is the most famous of the group of volcanoes located in the Republic of Crimea. The total number of mud volcanoes on the Kerch Peninsula is about 50. Such mud volcanoes are geological formations. In their structure, they are similar to traditional volcanoes: on

The solar thermal power plant SES-5, located five kilometers southeast of Shchelkino in Crimea, was a dismantled tower-type structure with an installed capacity of 5 MW. It was the first solar power plant of this type in the USSR, designed with the participation of thirty design organizations. The general designer was the Riga branch of the All-Uni

Penza Regional Drama Theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky is one of the oldest theaters in Russia and is located in the city of Penza. Its history goes back more than two centuries. In 1793, the first theater season was opened in Penza with the production of the comedy “The Deceiver” based on the play of Catherine II. This event marked the beginni

Парк "Курасовщина" - это прекрасный зеленый остров, раскинувшийся среди городской суеты Минска между улицами Кижеватова, Корженевского и Казинца. Он является уютной зоной отдыха, где каждый найдет что-то по своему вкусу. Основным украшением парка является Лошицкое водохранилище, созданное в 1970-х годах путем перекрытия русла реки Лошица. В 1985 г

Окрестности Колвицы — настоящий кладезь природных красот и достопримечательностей. Колвицкий залив (губа) протянулся на 7 километров, в него впадает бурная широкая река Колвица, вытекающая из Колвицкого озера. Вдоль левого берега реки тянется эколого-краеведческая тропа. Совсем близко к селу, в 600 метров от моста, расположен знаменитый Колви

Мончегорск — это город в Мурманской области России. Так назвали город в честь реки Монча, ее окрестности издревле называли Мончетундрой. В переводе с саамского «Монча» — это красивый, а «тундра» — горный массив. Этот город по праву считается жемчужиной Кольского края, который расположен за Полярным кругом,

В настоящее время в каждом городе России есть интересные и красивые парки. К сожалению, многие из них оказываются заброшенными и перестают функционировать или теряют свой первоначальный облик. В городе Мичуринске есть такой садово-парковый участок. Он расположен рядом с Мичуринским государственным аграрным университетом. Коллекционный сад им. И.В.

Во многих городах России можно найти памятники и скульптуры, посвященные известным людям нашей страны, которые не только, например, посещали тот или иной город, но и оказали большое влияние на его развитие. Одним из таких людей для Липецка стал Петр I. Именно благодаря ему в городе появились чугуноплавильные и железоделательные заводы, на которых,

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