Drama Theater (Penza)

Russia, Penza Region, gorodskoy okrug Penza, Penza, Moskovskaya Street, 89


  • Драматический театр (Пенза). Photo 1
  • Драматический театр (Пенза). Photo 2


Penza Regional Drama Theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky is one of the oldest theaters in Russia and is located in the city of Penza. Its history goes back more than two centuries.

In 1793, the first theater season was opened in Penza with the production of the comedy “The Deceiver” based on the play of Catherine II. This event marked the beginning of theatrical activity in the city. The initiator of the creation of the theater was the Penza vice-governor I.M. Dolgoruky.

In 1896, the Penza People's Theater was organized in Penza, which opened its first season with A. N. Ostrovsky's play "Poverty is not a vice." Members of the Belinsky drama circle took part in his productions, and since 1905 the entire troupe of the folk theater consisted of professional actors.

In 1916, a new building of the “People's House named after Emperor Alexander II” was built on Bazarnaya Square, where the Penza Drama Theater performed its performances until 2008. One of the first directors of this theater was P. P. Struisky.

In 1920, the theater was named after A.V. Lunacharsky. Over the years, such famous directors as A. A. Trubetskoy, A. G. Ridal, Y. A. Baliev, N. I. Sobolshchikov-Samarin and others worked at the theater.

During the Great Patriotic War, works by modern authors, as well as classics such as A. N. Ostrovsky, A. P. Chekhov, A. S. Griboedov, were performed on the theater stage.

From 1961 to 1963, the theater underwent reconstruction and expansion of the building. However, on January 2, 2008, the theater building was destroyed by a strong fire. The new theater building was opened on December 21, 2009 and since then the theater has resumed its activities.

Today the theater employs 43 actors, including two People's Artists of the Russian Federation and five Honored Artists of the Russian Federation. The theater actively takes part in tours and holds a variety of events on both the large and small stages.


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