Interesting places: Religious building - Page 2

The Church of St. George the Victorious, built in the 19th century in the old Russian-Byzantine style, is a symbol of memory and faith. It is dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' and the 55th anniversary of the Great Victory. Construction of the Temple began on June 22, 1999, with a ceremony to illuminate the construction site

The Russian Orthodox Church, built in 1863 in the village of Studentsy, Orenburg Region, is a significant historical site. Its construction began on the initiative of the atamans of the Orenburg Cossack army in response to a request from village residents. Initially it was a small temple, which was later expanded and supplemented with two chapels.

The temple in honor of Saint Seraphim of Sarov in the settlement of Prigorodny in the Orenburg region was founded in 1999 at the initiative of the association "Orenburgneft". The decision to build the temple was made after the construction of a residential complex for oil workers in this settlement. A land plot was allocated for the construction of

Construction of the stone church of Christ the Savior in the village of Spasskoye, Orenburg Oblast, began in 1804 at the initiative of Major General Alexander Pavlovich Mansurov, the son of General Pavel Mansurov. He was retired from active service in 1801 and received land rewards in the Orenburg Governorate for his services to the empire. The chu

The temple dedicated to the Holy Righteous Blessed Matrona of Moscow is located in the village of Mayorskoye in the Sakmarsky District of the Orenburg Region. Its history began in 2005 when construction of the temple commenced, culminating in 2007 with the completion of the final building. The architectural style of the temple combines elements of

In the Chelyabinsk region there is a small village of Leninsk, which was founded in 1824. Its history began with the Tsarevo-Alexandrovsky mine, named after Emperor Alexander I, who personally visited these places. At the same time, the largest gold nugget in Russia was discovered here, called the “Big Triangle” and weighing 36 kg. Many believers l

The Sufiya Mosque (Tatar: "Sufiya" mәchete, Bashkir: "Sufiya" mәsete), also known as the Kantyukovskaya Mosque, is located in the Tatar village of Kantyukovka, located in the Sterlitamak region of Bashkortostan. It is considered one of the most beautiful mosques in the republic. The mosque project, developed by chief architect Aivar Sattarov, is b

Bogolyubsky Cathedral in the city of Michurinsk, Tambov region is the cathedral of the Michurinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and an architectural monument of federal significance. In the middle of the 19th century, when the city of Michurinsk was engulfed in a cholera epidemic, residents decided to hold a religious procession around th

Небольшая церковь, расположенная на окраине поселка Луна (Шарлыкский район Оренбургской области). Красивое белокаменное здание с одним куполом расположено на возвышенности, его хорошо видно из далека. Часовня освещена во имя Серафима Саровского - иеромонаха Саровского монастыря, основателя и покровителя Дивеевской женской обители. Прославлен Россий

На территории России на сегодняшний день проживает приблизительно 146 млн человек. Такое большое количество людей проповедует различные вероисповедания. Одной из религий, распространенных на территории России, является католицизм. Точное количество католиков неизвестно и варьируется от 200 до 600 тысяч человек. Именно поэтому открыто почти 500 прих

Построена в 1894-1917 годах по проекту пермского архитектора А.Б. Турчевичана на средства А. Г. Кузнецова как храм-памятник над могилой его деда чаеторговца А. С. Губкинана на месте каменного кладбищенского Предтеченского храма постройки 1792 года. Византийский стиль с элементами стилизации под московскую «узорчатую» архитектуру 17 века. Шатровая к

Каменная Тихвинская трехпрестольная церковь с ярусной колокольней построена в 1758-65 годах в Тихвинско-Кунгурском женском монастыре. Приделы: Богословский (1758) и Иаковский (1891). В 1760 году церковь стала приходской, монастырь упразднили. Перестраивалась в 1882-84 годах.

Церковь в стиле московского барокко построена в 1763-82 годах на средства президента Кунгурского магистрата И. М. Хлебникова. Перестраивалась в 1848-49 годах. Нижний храм - Казанский. После революции в 30-х годах церковь закрыли. В здании церкви размещались: ремесленное училище, техникум. В 1994 году возвращена в лоно православной церкви.

Церковь в честь Иконы Божьей Матери «Знамение» построена в начале 18-го века, была полностью деревянной. В конце 19-го столетия храм перестроили, укрепили кирпичом. В нём служил один из предков легендарной героини-партизанки Зои Космодемьянской. В храме находится местночтимая икона Божией Матери «Августовская»

Цандрыпшская/Гантиадская базилика в Абхазии (Храм Цандры́пш/Гантиади) — раннесредневековая трёхапсидная базилика в посёлке Цандрыпш/Гантиади Гагрского района/Гагрского муниципалитета Абхазии. Заложена в 543 году, неоднократно перестраивалась в VIII—X вв. В 1576 частично разрушен турками. Один из древнейших христианских храмов Абхазии,

Мечеть "Ляля-Тюльпан" открыта в 1998 году, расположена рядом с парком Победы и монументом "Скорбящая мать". Построена по проекту архитектора В. В. Давлятшина, в основу которого было заложено изображение цветущего тюльпана - олицетворения весны, возрождения, одного из древнейших символов тюрских народов. Распустившийся цветок напоминает само здание

The Kozmodemyansk Church on Yarunovaya Mountain in Suzdal is an important historical and architectural monument. Built in 1725 on the site of an ancient monastery, it combines stone architecture with elements of the wooden style characteristic of Suzdal churches. The main volume of the church, almost devoid of decorative elements, ends with a beau

The Intercession Monastery in Suzdal is an important historical and cultural site, which has preserved a lot of interesting information and legends. It was founded in 1364, but most of its existing buildings were built in the 16th century. According to legend, the monastery was a place of imprisonment for representatives of aristocratic families w

The Church of St. Nicholas the Ratnoy, built in the second half of the 16th century in the southwestern part of the Kazan Kremlin, is one of the most ancient buildings in the city and an important architectural monument. The building was built from Volga limestone and was named in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Popularly it received the na

The Church of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, or Pyatnitskaya Church, is a significant parish church of the Kazan diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is located in close proximity to the Kazan Kremlin and has an ancient history, starting with the construction of a wooden temple in 1566. The wooden church, which was located on the

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