Interesting places: Engineering structure - Page 2

В 1960 году в Оренбурге начал свою деятельность радиотелецентр. Именно в этом году закончилось строительство самой высокой по тому времени антенной мачты. 1 мая 1961 года в эфир была запущена первая телевизионная передача. Высота телевышки составляет 192 метра, из которых 11 метров представляют передающую часть телебашни. Жителям и гостям города эт

Мончегорск — это город в Мурманской области России. Так назвали город в честь реки Монча, ее окрестности издревле называли Мончетундрой. В переводе с саамского «Монча» — это красивый, а «тундра» — горный массив. Этот город по праву считается жемчужиной Кольского края, который расположен за Полярным кругом,

Телевизионная и радиовещательная башня, расположенная рядом с телецентром «Останкино», недалеко от станции метро «ВДНХ» в Останкинском районе Москвы. Высота — 540,1 м, на момент постройки — высочайшая в мире, а по состоянию на сентябрь 2018 года — 10-е по высоте свободно стоящее сооружение. Первое название

The Taganay-niz meteorological station was opened on August 1, 1930 at the foot of Dalny Taganay, at an altitude of 600 m above sea level. Two years later, on August 20, 1932, the Taganay Mountain weather station was opened at the top of the mountain, which became the highest in the Urals. The observation site was located at an altitude of 1112 m a

The Fountain of Love in Kazan is one of the symbols of romance and beauty of the city. Its history, dating back to the 19th century, gives this place a special charm and appeal for those looking for romantic spots for dates and walks. Installed at the end of the 19th century, the Fountain of Love is not only an architectural object, but also a tes

The Gambit fountain in Gorky Park in Kazan is one of the most attractive places for both residents and tourists. It was built as part of a renovation project for the park, which was previously in a state of disrepair. In 2014, walking paths, benches and, of course, the Gambit fountain were placed here. This light and music fountain has the shape of

Подозреваю, что вполне рабочая водонапорная башенка, резервно подпитывает объект, находящийся неподалёку. Высота до платформы расположения бака около 10-12 метров. Железо лестниц прочное, сделано насовесть совдепом...

The automatic mobile telephone tower of the Altai system is an important structure within the domestic system of radiotelephone duplex communication with mobile objects. The Altai system is based on the use of one central radio station (CRS), whose antenna is located at the maximum possible height. The basic operating principles of this system were

The fountain on Salavat Yulaev Square in Ufa is made in the shape of a kurai, but its unique design can only be fully appreciated from above. It is one of the decorations of the city and a source of pride for its residents. The launch ceremony of the fountain took place on April 30, 2018 and was presented to the head of the Ufa city administration

The old tunnel under the railway tracks is an arch-type drainage structure about 50 meters long. Its history goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, when it was built in parallel with the construction of the railway through the city of Ufa. The main purpose of the tunnel is to drain water from the stream, the source of which is located 300-

The singing fountains in Yekaterinburg on Plotinka are a wonderful landmark of the city, which gives it a special charm and atmosphere. These fountains create an incredible experience for locals and visitors alike. The technical component of the structure includes more than 100 nozzles and about 200 lamps placed on a special pontoon 11.5 meters wi

The tower in the Shartashsky forest park, often perceived as an art object due to its unusual appearance, is actually a geodetic triangulation sign. This structure is important for geodetic and construction work, since on its top there is a metal platform to which a ladder leads. Although many city residents may perceive this tower as just an inte

The fountain in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Victory, located on the Square of Heroes of the XXI Army in the city of Samara, was built in 1985 in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. This fountain is the largest in the city and has become the historical pride of its residents. The square where the fountain is

The Dancing Fountain on Chkalova Street in front of the Southern District Administration building is one of the unique and most beautiful fountains in Orenburg. Known as the famous "Tornado", this fountain delights residents with songs, various musical compositions and lighting. Just a dozen years ago, fountains were a rarity in the steppe capital

Lighthouse Styrsudden (Swedish: Styrsudden, Finnish: Seivästön majakka) is an active lighthouse located on the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland, on Cape Styrsudden (Swedish: Styrsunds udde) in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region, near the village of Ozerki. Built in 1872 by order of the Admiral of the Fleet, Grand Duke Constantine, the

The "Seven Girls" fountain is one of the main attractions of Ufa and was opened in the summer of 2015 in the reconstructed Theater Square, which is the main place for recreation and walking in the city center. This fountain is the largest structure of its type in the Republic of Bashkortostan and includes two bowls lined with granite, as well as sc

The Hanseatic Fountain was created in Veliky Novgorod as part of the International Cultural and Economic Forum "XXIX Hanseatic Days of Modern Times", which was held in June 2009. The fountain is a circle of granite with a diameter of eight meters, symbolizing a negotiating table, around which 16 apple trees are planted. Along the perimeter of the c

The first Soviet radio telescope, installed 21 kilometers from the city of Simferopol on the Crimean peninsula. The radio telescope began its work in 1962, its main purpose is to accompany the launches of automatic spacecraft designed to study the Moon, as well as other planets of the Solar System. The reflector diameter of the TNA-400 radio telesc

Places of interest: 74