Remains of the 18th century baths of the Orenburg fortress


  • Остатки бань XVIII века Оренбургской крепости. Photo 1
  • Остатки бань XVIII века Оренбургской крепости. Photo 2
  • Остатки бань XVIII века Оренбургской крепости. Photo 3


Baths were previously located here next to the Orenburg Fortress. The site is an interesting archaeological site that testifies to the historical heritage of the region. Against the background of an area overgrown with grass, a shallow and swampy lake, and hills, the remains of buildings, one can imagine the appearance of this place in the past.

The baths that were located here in the 18th century played an important role in the daily life of the residents and the defense of the fortress. They served not only for hygienic needs, but also for promoting health, and were also places for social meetings and leisure. Along with the destruction of the fortress, these baths also disappeared, leaving only ruins and traces overgrown with vegetation.

Today, on the site of the former baths and the hills where they were located, new buildings have appeared, such as stables, an equestrian club and a power plant. However, the bricks and debris remaining from the destroyed baths testify to the past and history of this place. Archaeological research and study of the area can help reveal more information about bygone times and tell us more about the life and customs of that time.


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