The Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Kutkovo was built in 1797 with funds from Colonel Artemy Ivanovich Ladyzhensky. Initially, it was wooden, with a bell tower, and had two altars. The main altar was consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and the side altar was consecrated in honor of Sergiu
Interesting places #destroyed
The Yelabuga settlement (Tatar: Alabuga shәһәrchege, obsolete: Chertovo gorodishche) is the remains of a fortified settlement on the banks of the Kama River, not far from the city of Yelabuga. It served as a ancestral refuge for one of the local tribes that lived in this area in the second half of the 1st millennium AD. The Citadel and its arc
The village of Sula, located in the southeast of Tatarstan near Bugulma, was founded in 1740 by the famous scientist Pyotr Rychkov. His son, Vasily Rychkov, is known for having granted free villages to peasants even before the abolition of serfdom. It was with the funds of Vasily Petrovich that the Church of the Epiphany of the Lord (Bogoyavlenskay
The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located in the village of Perevoloki, has a rich history, dating back to its foundation around 1680. This historical object arose during the life of the Zhiguli Cossack freemen, when boats were transported here between the Volga and Usa, significantly shortening the journey along the river.
The solar thermal power plant SES-5, located five kilometers southeast of Shchelkino in Crimea, was a dismantled tower-type structure with an installed capacity of 5 MW. It was the first solar power plant of this type in the USSR, designed with the participation of thirty design organizations. The general designer was the Riga branch of the All-Uni
Заброшен с 2016 года. Охрана отсутствует.
Заброшенный турбаза, ранее бывший пионерлагерь "Восход" распологается на берегу реки Клязьма неподалеку (западнее) от д.Гридино Орехово-Зуевского района, но по факту относится к Павлово-Посадскому району МО
On the banks of the Ural River, in the city of Orenburg, on January 28, 1899, the first city electric station was put into operation. The station building, built in neo-Romantic Art Nouveau, impresses with its architectural style, reminiscent of a palatial character, and decoration in the Gothic and Romantic styles. The main building of the statio
Pionerskaya station is one of several stations on the Orenburg Children's Railway, located on the right bank of the Ural River in Orenburg, Russia. Its construction began in May 1953 and was completed in impressive fashion in just 68 days thanks to the active participation of city residents and youth. The opening of the road took place on July 26,
Baths were previously located here next to the Orenburg Fortress. The site is an interesting archaeological site that testifies to the historical heritage of the region. Against the background of an area overgrown with grass, a shallow and swampy lake, and hills, the remains of buildings, one can imagine the appearance of this place in the past. T
15 kilometers from Losevo, on the banks of the Vuoksa-virta river (the northern branch of the Vuoksa) there was the Finnish village of Vuoksela, which, unfortunately, was destroyed during the war. However, among the forest that grew on the site of rural buildings, one highlight has been preserved - the rural church. Vuoksela Church was built on Ca
The first Soviet radio telescope, installed 21 kilometers from the city of Simferopol on the Crimean peninsula. The radio telescope began its work in 1962, its main purpose is to accompany the launches of automatic spacecraft designed to study the Moon, as well as other planets of the Solar System. The reflector diameter of the TNA-400 radio telesc
A hollow ball near Dubna, with a diameter of about 18 meters, was located in the forest in the Kimry district of the Tver region, near the village of Ignatovo, not far from Dubna. This ball was made of fiberglass with a honeycomb structure and was a sphere truncated at the bottom, firmly attached to the ground. Initially, the ball was intended to
Церковь Вознесения Господня, расположенная в селе Спасское, относится к историческим памятникам архитектуры и культуры. Этот каменный храм, однопрестольный, был построен в 1765 году. В 1851 году к нему были пристроены два придела, посвященные Покрову Пресвятой Богородицы и Святителю Митрофану Воронежскому. Архитектурный стиль церкви относится к ба
Когда-то давным - давно,в начале 19 века,местный купец построил этот храм в память о своей усопшей жене Екатерине. Во время гражданской войны 1918 - 20 годы в этом храме создали свой штаб и прятались от гнева народного местные капиталисты и помещики.Чтобы их выбить оттуда прибыл бронепоезд и разбомбил это логово... С тех пор всё так и осталось... П
В самом центре села Татарская Каргала, находиться историческое здание построенное в 1811-1814. Оно огорожено забором, но нам удалось туда пробраться. Выглядит объект красиво и плачевно. Жалко, что только кирпичи уцелели до нашего времени.
Заброшен больше 7 лет. Постепенно идет дестрой. На данный момент (ноябрь 2017г) голые стены, оборудования нет, территория огромная, 7 этажей в главном здании. Охрана есть но вполне дружелюбная.