Interesting places #water

Agurskiye Waterfalls are one of the natural attractions of Sochi, popular among tourists. They are located in the Khostinsky district of the city, 13 kilometers from the center of Sochi, on the way to the top of Mount Akhun. It is easy to find the waterfalls thanks to the signs at the beginning of the mountain serpentine leading to the top. Pa

The holy spring in the Sharlyk district of the Orenburg region is known for its clean drinking water and an interesting legend about its origin. Located just 7 km south of Sharlyk, next to the road to the village of Aleksandrovka, the spring got its name thanks to a legend according to which lightning struck the stones during a thunderstorm, openin

The distant Arbekovsky spring is located in the Arbekovsky forest, behind a residential area, and is a popular place among residents of Penza. This improved source of clean drinking water attracts both locals and visiting cyclists. For the convenience of visitors, there are benches, an iron fence and wooden platforms for approaching the spring. The

The source, dedicated to Saint Elijah the Prophet, is located near the village of Kurinskaya in the Absheron region. This place seems to be lost among the mountains, but cut paths in the forest lead to it. Even the dome of a small chapel is visible in the forest, especially when the trees are bare of foliage. However, even with foliage, it can be s

The Ai fountain, also known as the Elanlinsky, Laklinsky or simply Aisky, is an amazing natural wonder that attracts tourists with its beauty and unusual capabilities. This fountain was created thanks to an artesian spring that was accidentally discovered during the search for bauxite in 1981. The source became known thanks to the efforts of Vladi

Практически пересохший родник, но воду ещё можно попытаться набрать в бутыль. В 2014 году в рамках всероссийской акции «Живи, лес!» были проведены работы по благоустройству этого родника. Силами сотрудников министерства лесного хозяйства, лесничества и студентов ПГСХА и ПГУАС были провдены работы по уборке территории от мусора и заросле

The Karpov spring is a unique source of clean drinking water, located in a dacha area in the village of Aleksandrovka, not far from the city of Penza. This spring has become a real attraction thanks to the efforts of the Honored Artist of Russia German Trifonovich Karpov. Independently and at his own expense, German Trifonovich has been improving

The spring is a concrete well located below road level. Despite the proximity to the highway, the water in the spring is of high quality. In the Penza region, 532 springs are registered, although it is assumed that the number of unregistered springs reaches about 2 thousand. Most of them are located in the northeast of the region, with the largest

The spring, located near Lyamzyai Bay in the Penza region, is famous for its abundant flow and high quality water. Adjacent to the Lyamzai River Bay, it provides visitors with access to clean natural water. In addition, there is a convenient beach and an equipped place for safe swimming, which makes this area attractive for relaxing and enjoying na

The spring is located near the Lyamzyai tourist camp in the Penza region. To approach the spring you need to be careful, as the descent to it is quite steep, and the stairs are not yet completed. There is a camping area next to the spring, making it ideal for hiking and cycling. The water in the spring is of good quality and tasty, making it an att

The spring at Kichkileika is located in the Penza region, in the Penza district, Russia. It is located along the dirt road that leads from the village of Kichkileika to the old power transmission line (PTL). The spring is a well with a lid, and the water level in the well is usually acceptable. This spring is likely an important source of fresh wa

The Kainar spring, located on the territory of the Burtinskaya Steppe nature reserve in the Belyaevsky district, Tambov region, is one of the natural resources of the region. This spring stands out for its clear water and unusually high iodine content, making it a unique source of water. The source of the stream, which arises from the Kainar sprin

Маленький родничёк на косогоре речки Ключи с беседкой, мостом и водопадом. На левобережье ранее находилась небольшая деревушка! Не какой то карте ранее видел название, но не могу найти! Если кто в курсе - подскажите! Судя по каменным жерновам, даже своя мельница была!

Родник с чистой питьевой водой, расположенный в 1 км восточнее от села Бакшеевка (Бессоновский район Пензенской области). Мощный выход грунтовых вод на поверхность. Название "Барский родник" пошло от сказаний: примерно в 300 метрах от родника располагалась красивая усадьба Тимофея Бакшеева - основателя села. В настоящее время от усадьбы п

Родник находится чуть ниже туристической стоянки "Комсомольская" в урочище Тёплый. Открытый колодец, воды всегда много. Свое название - "Теплый" родник получил из-за того, что вода в этом источнике не замерзает даже зимой, чем активно пользуются лыжники для пополнения запасов питьевой воды. Вода в этом роднике зимой ощущается те

Источник питьевой вод находится в селе Большая Валяевка, в 7 километрах к югу от Пензы. Родник был освящен при строительстве храма. Сам выход грунтовых вод на поверхность расположен под алтарем Живоносного Богородицкого и Казанского храма, откуда вода по проложенным в земле трубам поступает в купели и специальное отведенное место для набора. Храм н

Обустроенный источник чистой питьевой воды, расположенный на окраине села Соловцовка в Пензенской области. Над родником в 1917 году была установлена небольшая каменная часовня в честь святой Великомученицы Параскевы Пятницы. Старые легенды гласят, что в давние времена здесь проходила сама Параскева, остановилась на месте и ударила своим посохом по

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